Top Study Abroad Instagram Photos from Our Centers in 2018

IES Abroad

1. Amsterdam

Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Maybe try clogs while studying abroad in Amsterdam! See more study abroad moments in Amsterdam by checking out @IESabroadamsterdam on Instagram. 

Explore IES Abroad Amsterdam Instagram


2. Arles

Look at all the pretty lights surrounding the Obélisque d'Arles. No wonder Vincent van Gogh painted the Starry Night Over the Rhône. When you study abroad in Arles you might get the motivation to create your own masterpiece. Check out @IESabroadarles on Instagram to get inspired. 

Explore IES Abroad Arles Instagram


3. Auckland

Could you imagine if your casual weekend trip was to a place like this? When you study abroad in Auckland this could be reality! After looking through @IESabroadauckland on Instagram, you will definitely want to add New Zealand to your bucket list!

Explore IES Abroad Auckland Instagram


4. Barcelona

When you study abroad in Barcelona you can kick back and relax with an extraordinary view or be out and about. There's a wonderful mix of things to do in this bustling city! Check out @IESabroad_barcelona on Instagram to see all that Barcelona has to offer!

Explore IES Abroad Barcelona Instagram


5. Berlin

I spy a colorful bear, but if you study abroad in Berlin, we challenge you to find as many of these Buddy Bears as you can around Berlin. Approximately 350 of them were originally designed, and have been placed all around the city (and the world). Check out @IESabroadberlin on Instagram to learn more about this artsy city.  

Explore IES Abroad Berlin Instagram


6. Buenos Aires

When you study abroad in Buenos Aires you might feel a little salty about going on field trips. Not because you don't want to go, but because you might literally be sitting on salt! Check out @IESabroadbuenosaires on Instagram to see all the other exciting field trips you can go on while in Argentina.  

Explore IES Abroad Buenos Aires Instagram

cape town

7. Cape Town

Even the IES Abroad Cape Town staff can't get enough of the views around the city! When you study abroad in Cape Town you will be constantly amazed by the city's incredible sights and sounds. Check out @IESabroadcapetown on Instagram to see more of what South Africa has to offer.

Explore IES Abroad Cape Town Instagram


8. Christchurch

New Zealand is waiting for you. There are fish to swim with, mountains to climb, beaches to lay on, and the list goes on. When you study abroad in Christchurch adventure will become your middle name! Check out @IESabroadchristchurch on Instagram to dive in and get inspired. 

Explore IES Abroad Christchurch Instagram


9. Dublin

They say when one door closes, a few colorful ones open in Dublin. Take the warm invitation and study abroad in Dublin! Check out @IESabroaddublin on Instagram to see why Ireland is the place for you.

Explore IES Abroad Dublin Instagram


10. European Union

Why choose just one location when you can experience multiple cities in one program? When you study abroad on our European Union program you will find yourself in Brussels, BerlinParis, and maybe even Russia! Check out @IESabroadeu on Instagram to see where else this program will take you!

Explore IES Abroad European Union Instagram


11. Freiburg

When you study abroad in Freiburg you will minimize your carbon footprint and leave your actual footprints in the Black Forest (tip: it's actually a very green forest). If you are an environmentalist, check out @IESabroadfreiburg on Instagram to see if this is the place for you!

Explore IES Abroad Freiburg Instagram


12. Granada

Walking through the Alhambra palace will make you feel like royalty. When you study abroad in Granada you're in the middle of one of the most beautiful cities Europe has to offer. Don't believe us? Check out @IESabroadgranada on Instagram to see for yourself!

Explore IES Abroad Granada Instagram


13. London

When you study abroad in London make sure to visit the colorful streets of Neal's Yard. This is only one of the many cool locations you can explore in London, check out @IESabroadlondon on Instagram to see what else this city has in store for you. 

Explore IES Abroad London Instagram


14. Milan

When you study abroad in Milan the city will become your classroom, and with views like this how could you get bored? Learn more about this fashionable city by following @IESabroadmilan on Instagram.

Explore IES Abroad Milan Instagram


15. Nantes

When you study abroad in Nantes one day you might be practicing your French and the next day you might be performing on a stage. Check out @IESabroadnantes on Instagram to see what else this theatrical city has to show. 

Explore IES Abroad Nantes Instagram


16. Nice

Wouldn't it be nice to be on the beach all day? When you study abroad in Nice it will be hard to feel like you're not on vacation. Check out @IESabroadnice on Instagram to see why this city rocks!

Explore IES Abroad Nice Instagram

View of the Eiffel Tower at night

17. Paris (French Studies)

When you study abroad in Paris you might fall in love with the city of love. From the iconic landmarks, art museums, and the endless ways to eat baguettes, we know you'll fall head over heels for Paris. Follow @IESabroadparisfs on Instagram to see if Paris is the perfect match for you.

Explore IES Abroad Paris Instagram


18. Rome

The best way to learn a new language is by going out and speaking it. When you study abroad in Rome you can explore this historic city while learning how to speak Italian. So, do like the Romans do and follow @IESabroadrome on Instagram. 

Explore IES Abroad Rome Instagram


19. Salamanca

When you study abroad in Salamanca you might do some serious reflecting on if you ever want to leave. Check out @IESabroadsalamanca on Instagram to understand why!

Expore IES Abroad Salamanca Instagram


20. Siena

Talk about a city with some pretty exciting events! When you study abroad in Siena you might be able to see the famous Palio di Siena. To learn more about this event and Siena follow @IESabroadsiena on Instagram.

Explore IES Abroad Siena Instagram


21. Sydney

Rain or shine, it's always a good time to catch some waves at Bondi Beach. When you study abroad in Sydney you'll never want to leave the coast. Check out @IESabroadsydney on Instagram to see what's happening in the land down under.

Explore IES Abroad Sydney Instagram


22. Tokyo

Eiffel Tower or Tokyo Tower? When you study abroad in Tokyo you will be amazed by the city lights and incredible architecture. Follow @IESabroadtokyo on Instagram to browse through all that Tokyo has to offer!

Explore IES Abroad Tokyo Instagram


23. Vienna

When you study abroad in Vienna it will feel like a dream come true. Ditch the glass slippers and check out @IESabroadvienna on Instagram to see why it is a magical city. 

Explore IES Abroad Vienna Instagram

We can't wait to see what else our Centers share with us in 2019! Follow along on Instagram and head to our social media directory to see a full list of our Center's social media platforms. Learn more about study abroad and how to begin your adventure of a lifetime. 

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