Pack it Up

Oliver Lowe
January 27, 2016

Days of waiting have come to an end, and it's time to pack it up. Pack lightly, pack efficiently, and be prepared for whatever might get thrown at you, easier said then done. While meticulously folding shirts and matching pairs of socks, I turned on the news for one last brief before I made my great push South. Gwen Eifel's calm voice delivered headlines that sent a cold chill down my back, each seemed more grim then the last: plummeting markets, school shootings, and suicide bombings targetting inncocents. At first, these headlines were unnerving, and made my 8,000 mile journey seem more distant than ever. 

While these headlines would sit in the back of my head as my hands worked diligently pressing a crease out of a shirt, I realized that travelling to new place was one of the best ways to overcome fear, fear of the unknown, fear of things you can't control. 

Pack it up, and be on your way:


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Oliver Lowe

<p>My name Is Oliver Lowe, and I&#39;m an adventurer, wanderer, film-maker, and music enthusiast. I grew up in the rural wilderness of the great state of Maine, where I spent my days running around with a group of neighborhood bandits, filming everything from Civil War reenactments to ski trips. Since then, I&#39;ve been on a constant hunt for new and exciting experiences, always with a camera in hand. My filmmaking has taken me to the top of Rocky Mountains, the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, and almost everywhere in between.</p>

2016 Spring
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Gettysburg College
Political Science
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