These first two weeks have already flown by here in New Zealand. I have met some amazing people while seeing some of the most beautiful places!! School starts this coming week, so we have had plenty of time to venture around Christchurch and surrounding towns before classes begin. Within the first few days here, our IES Abroad group went to Springfield, NZ. It was a two-day trip in which we hiked, swam, planted trees, and went jetboating! We saw plenty of sheep and some views unlike anything I have ever seen before. The first photo is from Castle Hill which is on the south island only about an hour or so away from Christchurch! I’ll let the photo speak for itself but it was simply amazing. The other picture is of Port Hills, which has been my personal favorite so far. Just over Port Hills, you have Lyttleton and Corsair Bay which give you plenty of things to do and see. On top of this, the weather has been phenomenal here so far, only raining about once or twice. However, my skin was certainly not ready for how strong the sun is here, but it is definitely something I could get used to! I included a few other pictures of the Castle Hill trip and Port Hills trip below, enjoy!

Ava Renbarger
<p class="MsoBodyText" style="margin-top:.45pt"><span style="line-height:103%">Beyond my academic interests, I am a firm believer in exploring the world and what nature has to offer. Hiking, traveling, exercising are some of my main interests. I believe that life is about embracing every opportunity that comes your way. In the end, a lifetime is a string of experiences and this experience would be one to be remembered.</span></p>