41 - 50 of 15976 Results

Interning Abroad: FAQs

This semester, I've been working for Professor Baris Ulker on his research on immigrant entrepreneurship in Berlin. This position has involved a lot of work on Excel sheets cleaning data. It's definitely a grunt-work position, but the experience has been very valuable for me. Between navigating work environments abroad and learning how to use various data analysis programs, I've gained a lot of skills from my time here.

Taking IES Abroad Trips

Throughout your time abroad, there will be many opportunities to take field trips with IES Abroad for low or no cost. I would definitely recommend taking advantage of these trips as they are great opportunities to explore your host country without the pressure of planning trips yourself. Some of these trips will be offered before the program starts, but other experiences will be communicated to you during the program. Below, I share some of the field trips that I’ve participated in.


Hertha BSC Soccer Game

Top Five Birds I’ve Seen In Sydney

Uh oh! It’s time for a bird watching post. My friends and family that follow along with my blogs all knew this was coming and here it is. I’m an avid bird watcher. Back home my favorite thing is to kayak on a river by my house in search of great blue herons and snowy egrets. It’s exciting. Nature has gifted me with a fabulous scavenger hunt and I’m excited to be a part of it.  That being said when I came to Australia I had no idea the treat I was in for. There are tons of unique and fabulous birds in Sydney.

Coffee & Açaí

I try to limit eating out to when I’m traveling, but who am I kidding I’ve bought coffee every day since being here. 


Artificer Coffee Bar

  • Location: Surry Hills
  • Order: flat white
  • Review: would return, smoothest flat white i’ve had in sydney
  • Notes: located on a corner, small shop mainly for takeaway 



My Final Week in Ireland

I officially made it to my final week in Ireland, so I knew I had to pack everything in that I could. Even though I’ve been in this country for over three months, there were still so many things that I wanted to do and see, but one semester would not be enough for everything. However, I still had some final essays to write for some of my classes. 

My Favorite Things to Cook as an Apartment Student

Being a study abroad student can be overwhelming, since you have to adjust to a new culture, make new friends, balance social life with academics and many more. But what about food? Food is different in every country and you have to get accustomed to the new flavors the country you are living in has to offer. This might be challenging to navigate if you are living in the apartments and have to learn how to cook new things. Before coming to Argentina, I could only cook pasta with pesto. But guess what!

Taking Care Of Yourself Abroad

Being far from home and away from your usual resources can be hard. This is especially true as finals approach. School work is getting harder and you still have so much to do but you're starting to run out of time. It’s easy to get swept up in the madness of study abroad and stop taking care of yourself as your schedule fills up. So I created a list of a few tips for taking care of yourself while you study abroad. 

  1. Have a Flexible Routine

Five Things To Do At Manly Beach

I’ve lived in Sydney for a couple months now and Manly Beach has become one of my favorite places to spend an afternoon. How could I not adore a place that has you take a ferry ride through the iconic Sydney harbor to get there. At Manly one can find activities to make the perfect beach day or if you are looking to stay dry there is still plenty to do. Here are my top five ways to spend an afternoon in Manly. 

  1. Shop