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Climbing into my last month in Auckland, New Zealand, I have been thinking a lot about how I will talk about this country after I am gone. When I put 8,000 miles between me and this country I’ve called home for 4 months, how will I remember it? I wonder if I’ll insert Kiwi vocabulary into my daily life.

Almost Halfway. What?

Boy oh boy, have the last two weeks been hectic. That’s, of course, why it’s been so long since my last blog post. Now, I’m sitting in my apartment on this fine Sunday with a choice: study for my three midterms or procrastinate a little bit. So here I am, writing my blog.

Preschool on Monday

I take the liberty of imagining your academic lives, O fellow students.

You have settled into the routine of the semester, with midterms still pleasantly distant on the horizon. You’re sorting through topics for that paper that isn’t due for another blessed month. Your professors no longer have to look at that embarrassing sheet of student ID photos when they take attendance.

I too am letting the thought of midterms slide for a bit, and I haven’t had to turn in any papers yet. I don’t miss the attendance-photo ritual.

But I do miss one aspect of American classes.

Beyond Proselytized Part II

The context at that point was innocent enough. I was called over to the corner of the play room where about fifteen kids and an unknown adult were crowded around the couch with my fellow intern as he spelled our names and surnames for them. While he speaks French and is picking up Arabic quickly, the rapid Darija was unintelligible and I was called to translate (or rather gist) the questions being rapid-fired in his direction.