2013-14 Faculty Accomplishments

Jill Kruidenier
September 25, 2014

Colleges and universities aren’t the only ones beginning a new school year. At IES Abroad, we, too, are looking back on last academic year and preparing to do even more in 2014-15.

Recently gathered data shows last year’s incredible faculty accomplishments. Take a look at what IES Abroad faculty achieved in 2013-14:


Additional Highlights

  • Giovanni Mario Ceci’s book Il terrorismo italiano. Storia di un dibattito was awarded the Contemporary History Luigi De Rosa National Prize. (IES Abroad Rome)
  • James Leibold was interviewed by CNN International regarding the terrorist attack in Urumqi, Xinjiang, in May 2014 (IES Abroad Beijing). Read an article here.
  • IES Abroad instructors Claire Miquel of IES Abroad Paris BIA and Christine Freudenberg of IES Abroad Freiburg published language learning books (two French textbooks and the fourth edition of a German exercise book, respectively).
  • Lucinda Hawksley wrote the audio guide for the upcoming exhibition on 20th-century Latin American art at the Royal Academy in London. (IES Abroad London)
  • Tibor Frank was elected a Corresponding Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for lifetime achievement in scholarship. (IES Abroad Vienna)
  • Julian Putowski, who was a historical advisor for the popular 1986 World War I mini-series The Monocled Mutineer, was interviewed on BBC Radio’s show, The Monocled Mutineer and World War One Archives. (IES Abroad London)


Published by IES Abroad Faculty

  • Keila Grinberg, As fronteiras da escravidão (IES Abroad Rio)
  • Emilio Peral Vega, Retablos de agitación política. Nuevas aproximaciones al teatro de la Guerra Civil española (IES Abroad Madrid)
  • Javier Huerta, El caballero de Olmedo. Versos y versiones (IES Abroad Madrid)
  • Daniele Fiorentino, Gli Stati Uniti e il Risorgimento d'Italia, 1848-1901 (IES Abroad Rome)
  • Alan Powers, Eric Ravilious, artist and designer (IES Abroad London)
  • Lucinda Hawkley, March, Women, March: Voices of the Women's Movement (IES Abroad London)
  • Yuzo Sugimoto, ed. V is for Victory!: Secrets of Victoria's Secret's Success (IES Abroad Tokyo)
  • Diane Atkinson, The Criminal Conversation of Mrs Norton (IES Abroad London)
  • Yolanda Eraso, Representing Argentinian Mothers. Medicine, Ideas and Culture in the Modern Era, 1900-1946 (IES Abroad London)
  • Geza Kallay, "És most beszélj!" ["And now you speak"]: Philosophy, Drama, Narrative (IES Abroad Vienna)


Congratulations to all!

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Jill Kruidenier

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