This fall, our Correspondents are sharing their stories from our IES Abroad Centers all over the world!

The 87 Fall 2023 Correspondents come from 57 different colleges and universities and will be documenting their authentic study abroad and internship experiences through social media posts, blogs, and photos. Their content is sure to make you laugh, learn something new, and consider hopping on a plane ASAP. Across the board, you'll also find IDEA (Initiative to Diversity Education Abroad) Correspondents, giving insights on how aspects of their identity intersect with their lives abroad. 

The Correspondents are here to share all of their adventures, so you can feel ready to embark on your own as well.

Browse through the blogs, peep the #IESabroad feed or our TikTok, or simply keep scrolling to learn a little bit more about who they are and where they'll be spending the fall semester.