So, we have a big five day weekend coming up for Halloween. It is not actually for Halloween, but it is fun to think that. Anyway, everyone in my program is going somewhere to celebrate and just to get out and travel some more. Many of my friends in the program are going to Barcelona so that they can experience Day of the Dead. Barcelona is a great city and will for sure be fun; especially with Day of the Dead. That's gonna be pretty sweet, but I am more focused on seeing more of central and eastern Europe while I am so close to everything. That is why me and a few others are going to Prague for the first part of the weekend and then taking a short train ride down to Vienna to celebrate Halloween there. Apparently lots of people in Vienna dress up and throw themed parties all over the city. However, to be honest, I am much more excited about seeing Prague. I have wanted to go to this city for such a long time. It will be quite the experience. I even almost studied there, but it didn't really work with my majors and minor so I ended up not going. So, anyway, I am pumped for this weekend. Seeing two of the coolest cities in the world in one weekend is definitely a good way to spend Halloween break.
Yeah, so down to the pictures. We went to the Vosges Mountains last weekend and they were really cool. We stayed in this really old hostel up on top of the mountain. It had great food and all that. The hiking was really nice too, because it was just easy enough to where you could really look around and not fear falling down the mountain every five seconds. There were these big dial type things that you could stand in and it would tell you exactly what you were looking at. Theoretically, you could see Freiburg from one of the peaks where this circle-dial-type thing was placed. That was cool. You could also see a bunch of other places. Overall, it was a pretty good trip. Much easier than the Swiss Alps... that's for sure. Anyway, just keeping up the whole mind set of a rolling stone and seeing as much as I possibly can. It is crazy to think that I only have about a month and a half left here. I have hardly felt any homesickness or anything like that while I have been abroad. Experiencing new things and dipping into different cultures is just too interesting and fun.
I will post some sweet pictures of Prague and Vienna once I am back,

Nathan Outlan
<p>Hi everyone! I’m Nathan Outlan, a double major in Supply Chain and Marketing with a minor in Sustainability at The University of Tennessee. Follow my 4-month journey through pictures as I photograph my travels in Freiburg and all around Europe.</p>