With the days approaching so quickly, I can still barely believe that by the end of the week I will be stepping foot on Japanese soil. Nevertheless, I am infinitely excited to embark on this life journey ahead of me. My name is Moziah Thompson, but my friends call me Mozi. I am a rising senior at Georgia State University studying graphic design. I decided to study abroad in Japan because I am completely amazed by their culture in terms of art, day-to-day interactions, food, and just about everything else (yes, that includes manga and anime). The only way I can truly describe how excited I am about learning woodblock printing at the university level, IN JAPAN, is by depicting it in my art. This is exactly what I plan to do, and this blog will serve as a perfect medium to provide my growth as an artist, photographer, and maybe even storyteller to everyone who wants to know.
Some of the things I plan on doing in Japan:
- Eating sushi is obviously number 1
- Visting Tokyo, Mt. Fuji, Osaka
- Visiting some type of dojo
- Meditate in a Buddhist temple
- Observe/sketch nature and daily Japanese scenes while wandering
- Become fluent with a large knowledge of kanji
- Fill up my journal I specifically bought for this experience
- Soak up as much information, knowledge, and experience as possible!
A few things I made sure to pack for the trip:
- Extra deoderant (as suggested by numerous sources)
- Plug adapter
- Extra SD-cards and batteries for camera
- Allergy medicine
- Heavy jacket
- Coughdrops and chewing gum (mainly for flight)
- Extra luggage locks
- Extra phone charger and case
- A physical copy of any information I may need while traveling. (such as directions, names and numbers, travel information)
Also, prior to departing I purchased a phone that is compatible with sim cards from other countries, some new clothes, visited Piedmont Park Art Festival in Atlanta, and got a gift for my host family and a hand-made journal for me to keep with me while abroad. I was also gifted a camera by my mother and aunts so I will be able to not only keep a better blog, but to better show them what I experienced, ha!
Due to this blog's initial purpose of following my growth as not only an individual, but more importantly an artist, I think it's only right I end this post with some pieces to serve as a starting point for this trip, as well as my extremely small and humble photo portfolio. Hope you enjoy following my blog and I look forward to sharing my experience and growth with whoever is interested in reading!

Moziah Thompson
<p>I am a graphic design student at Georgia State University. I work in a number of mediums including drawing, painting with oils, acrylics, and watercolors, and screen-printing. I tend to draw inspiration from artists such as Chuck Close, Dan Flavin, Roy Lichtenstein, KAWS, and Jeff Koons. I also enjoy studying different artistic styles as a whole, including: surrealism, pop art and Japanese ukiyo-e prints. Other than art and work, the majority of my time goes to listening to music and attempting to learn anything new from photography to playing a saxophone to transcendentalism. **attached creative sample is titled "A Groovy Portrait of a Universal Soul". 19.5x25.5. Micron pen and watercolor on paper.</p>