Krakow, Poland; Abandoned places in Berlin; and Potsdam

Nina Arbis
April 23, 2017

Hi Folks! Apparently another two weeks had passed since my last photo blog post, which it's freaky because it doesn't feel like it... time is going by so fast already!). Anyway, here I am with another two-week update :) In this post you can see photos from Krakow(Poland), Potsdam, and the city of Berlin itself.


On one of Berlin' nicer days (which is diffult to predict because the weather has been quite bipolar here), I was able to set up a comfy spot for myself to sit/chill on my roof:

To Krakow, Poland! This is the main square/ market place. The flower pole things were put there for Easter:

We hid inside from the cold for a little bit and treated ourselfs to some nice beverages:

And again, Krakow's main square (feat. people and lots of pigeons):

Horse carriage with some fancy looking horses (fun fact: we named the closest one 'Jim'):

Wawel castle:

Friends looking at the view from Wawel castle's balcony area:

Back in Berlin!.... I went with a few other friends to explore an abondoned Sport hotel (hotel for German athletes) in Hohenschönhausen:

Quite eerie but intriguing:

Some IES Abroad students also joined a field trip to Potsdam (a neighboring city to Berlin). This is their main square & church:

Sans Souci palace:

Inside the palace. Design inspiration for my next room? I think yes... :

Walking through some greenery:


Until next time, peace out

~Nina A


(check out: my flickr album for more!)


Nina Arbis

<p>Hallo! I&rsquo;m Nina. I am a second-semester junior at American University in Washington D.C, where I&rsquo;m majoring in International Relations and minoring in German. While California&rsquo;s home for me, I also grew up in Frankfurt for 7 seven years of my life&mdash;making it all the more exciting to return to Germany this spring semester! You can find me reading, doodling &amp; crafting, taking photos, expanding my food horizons, meeting new people, and seeking out all-things-adventurous&hellip; I especially appreciate finding cozy hole-in-the-wall locations in whatever city I&#39;m in. I&rsquo;m stoked for all the experiences and stories Berlin has in store. Stay tuned.</p>

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International Relations
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