A Regular Day

Caeli Smith
January 3, 2014

Going through my memories of the last few months, I miss the adventures. But, while traveling and hiking and exploring Siena were experiences I’ll never forget, it’s my daily Sienese life that I think I miss the most. Getting up to a cappuccino from my host mother, or passing the amazing view of Siena on the way to IES, or grabbing a pre-dinner baguette from Conad to share with a friend (or two or three) in the Campo. There’s nothing at home quite like wandering Siena’s medieval streets and sitting in the Campo late at night after a day of classes, surrounded by the sounds of the city. So here’s a photo timeline of my typical day in Siena, for old time’s sake.

8:00 am. Often my host family left before I was up for morning class or internship. But, from Day 1, my host family always set out quite the spread for breakfast (though it did take a while to get used to sweet Italian breakfasts).

8:45 am (on a good day…) As hard as I tried, my aptitude for tardiness followed me to Italy (sorry I was always late to Italian class, Roberta!). But ideally, I’d pass this amazing view, and walk down this equally amazing medieval street, on my way to get to class, on time, at 9 am.

 9 am – 6 pm. Depending on the day I had one to four classes, and three days a week I had my teaching internship. Walking to a from IES between art history and political philosophy and the like, then between IES and the high school where I assisted, it was busy but I still can’t get over the beauty of this city: I could, and did, easily walk around for hours, passing views like this every single day.

Afternoon. One of my favorite daily traditions was cooking lunch at my friends apartment, the four of us stopping at Conad on the way back from class to pick up cheap vegetables and bread. One afternoon we even made an impromtu chocolate cake. Sometimes we grabbed coffee, at the best cafe with a view, Bar Key Largo, people watching in the Campo (again, I’m still amazed I got to walk through such a gorgeous piazza just to get to class everyday) or, if it was nice weather, I took a walk around the Fortezza. All simple things, but the best things about living in Siena.

Evening. By dinner I was back at my apartment, doing homework to the sound of my host sisters playing Wii or watching TV (their favorite show: Friends) and host mom cooking dinner. The best nights ended back in the Campo, sitting with friends, playing silly camp games or telling stories or meeting local students hanging out in the Campo. With the Palazzo Pubblico lit up in the background, stars up and people out, you couldn’t get a more Sienese night than that.

[Photo from: http://tinyurl.com/lljd7zh] – I had to find a photo to do justice to the Campo at night.

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Caeli Smith

<div><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Caeli Smith is a junior at Connecticut College and majors in English and Art with a minor in Italian and is part of an international studies program. She likes nothing more than heading out on a travel adventure - to sightsee, try new food, wander, and get a little bit lost.</span></div>

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