Four Things I Am Doing to Prepare to Study Abroad in Vienna
Four Things I am doing to prepare for my semester with IES Abroad in Vienna, Austria.
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Four Things I am doing to prepare for my semester with IES Abroad in Vienna, Austria.
In this post, I share the strategies that helped me prepare for my study abroad journey in Siena, Italy, as a student on financial aid, and offer tips to fellow...
Since today is the day that I finally set off for my study abroad journey in London, I thought it would be insightful to reflect upon my process in choosing my...
Pre-Departure reflections on the struggles of balancing abroad prep with regular student life and what makes it all worth it.
A general guide for filling out visa applications and dealing with the struggles that can come with the visa process.
Deciding to study abroad is a big decision. As I am preparing to embark on my own journey, I reflect on the reasons why I chose to do this in the first place...
Before I even leave the states, the shenanigans start! Follow along with my journey to get my visa to start my study abroad experience in the south of France!
Preparing for Your Study Abroad Journey: Tips for Success
A bittersweet goodbye!!! I love Granada!! I love IES!!