It was the first time I brought my camera out but boy was it worth it! Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures within Windsor and it rained while we were at Eton. So not my best photos (I promised they improve) however it was the first real outing and it was a ton of fun! I highly recommend everyone going and visiting the Castle as well as walk through the adjacent town of Windsor and Eton college. A quick and fun story we learned during out time there... The photo titled Gapped Columns has to do with the Guildhall of Windsor. Designed by Sir Christopher Wren, it is elevated above street level and rather large to the point where the townspeople asked Wren to design columns underneath the floor for support. Well Wren being the great architect he was politely decline stating that his design was sound and there was no need for supportive columns. The townspeople more forcefully insisted that he include the columns or perhaps someone else would. Wren told the people he would concede and designed and added the columns however in spite, made the columns an inch too short so that they were not supporting anything. The fact that the Guildhall is still here seems to imply he was right all along.

Thomas Gongol
<p>Hey everyone! My name is Tommy Gongol, I'm a Junior at Penn State. I'm spending my spring 2015 in London with IES and am going to be documenting my semester with photos and videos. A little about myself, I'm a finance major but am interested in the business side of film and television, I am on the club frisbee team and in a business fraternity while at school. With what little free time I have left I love taking pictures and making videos.</p>