No this is not a post about Harry Potter exams, this is a legitimate post about owls. But a quick word before I get to that. While my semester in London has sadly come to an end, my commitment to the blog has not. I have a few posts left in me and while I'm spending the week in Italy with my parents, the month of April's posts will be a reflective batch of my time in London. Additionally, my return to the US post obviously can't happen until I return to the States, so that will come next week.
So what is all of this talk about owls? Well I have an amazingly awesome girlfriend who just so happens to be a crazy owl enthusiast. She came to visit me about six weeks back and it was not too long after her birthday, so what's a great guy like myself to do? Of course I took her to the English School of Falconry about an hour north of the city (near Bedford). While it was nearly as much a gift for myself as it was for her I found a TimeOut offer (pro tip: subscribe to TimeOut offers, there are some real gems every once and a while) for a half day where you get to hold and fly various hawks, owls and eagles. This was so cool and I have actually spent a decent amount of time looking at how to get into falconry back in the states (it's not nearly as simple as the UK). I really loved this trip because it was an off-the-beaten-path day which is really nice every once and a while. It's the little things like this that you don't often hear about that make time in London so special, and I hope this can help anyone who is on the fence about whether or not to apply to the IES London program. Do it. Yeah it's pricey, but all of study abroad it and this is more than worth it.
Without further ado...
OKAY SO IMPORTANT NOTE: as you may have noticed there are no photos attached to this blog post. This has now become a placeholder post, but I want to publish it rather than just leave it and my blog in limbo for the time being. Courtesy of sketchy Italian (specifically Venitian) wifi, it is taking more than five minutes (and counting) to upload a single photo which is daunting when I want to upload 16 of them. So I hope the story above has you enticed and I will try this again tomorrow when I have (hopefully stronger) Florencian wifi.

Thomas Gongol
<p>Hey everyone! My name is Tommy Gongol, I'm a Junior at Penn State. I'm spending my spring 2015 in London with IES and am going to be documenting my semester with photos and videos. A little about myself, I'm a finance major but am interested in the business side of film and television, I am on the club frisbee team and in a business fraternity while at school. With what little free time I have left I love taking pictures and making videos.</p>