Everywhere I travel, I have always purchased a snowglobe to remember my time. Last January, I did some traveling around Europe and brought home 4 snowglobes. After struggling to get all those home, I decided to tone it back a bit during my study abroad. So far I have only purchased one snowglobe and I could not be happier with the story behind it.

Last week, my education class took a field trip to the Vienna Snowglobe Museum. When we arrived, they were so kind to give us some punch and cookies while we waited for the rest of the class to arrived.

Fun Fact: The snowglobe was invented in Vienna in the year 1900!

The man who invented the snowglobe started a business which people are so familar with today. That business is currently run by his grandson, who was so kind to give us a tour (of the factory that had an entrance similar to how I picture Santa's workshop). Here we got to see how snowglobes are made and hear about all their history.

The whole tour had the little girl inside me squealing with joy!

I wasn't the only excited one! Grace was also super excited!

Every snowglobe has a story. I can't wait to bring this one home and tell it to my family and friends.

Paige Balut
<p>Hi! I am a junior Music Education major at Pacific Lutheran University. When I am not practicing or doing schoolwork, I love to spend time with my cat and dog! Fun Fact: I am also a huge supercross fan! I love watching dirtbike races. I also go to a dirtbike track on the weekends to watch my dad ride while I walk my dog around!</p>