The End

Noah Beam
July 11, 2017

The End

I have been back in Texas for just over a week now. Being back here reminds me how much I missed this great nation and how much I missed America. It has also showed me how awesome Australia was. As great as Texas is, I do not have the Opera House here, neither am I close to a beach nor kangaroos and koalas.

To again reiterate the first point I made with this blog, life is all about enjoying the time you have, not worrying about or looking forward to future amazing experiences or possible hardships. I fully adopted this mindset abroad and, because of that mindset, I can confidently say I do not regret anything or feel like I missed out during my experience abroad. I lived fully while I was there and treated the present as it is, a gift of time.

Just because I have returned from studying abroad does not mean this mindset will fade away for me. On the contrary, I am going to more actively hold this mindset in my life, pursuing activities and experiences that complement it. During this summer, I am not going to worry about or look forward to my senior year too much, I am simply going to enjoy my summer. During my senior year, I am not going to worry about or look forward to post-graduation too much, I am simply going to enjoy my senior year (and also spend a healthy amount of time finding a job). And so on, because if we spend our whole lives worrying about or preparing for the future, we will never embrace the wonderful opportunity we have to live.

So as I sign off, I wanted to clarify something about my blogs, the titles. I’m sure you’ve noticed they are all a bit…questionable. I am a huge Kings of Leon fan, and my friend Rob and I are actually lucky enough that we will be seeing them in October together. To honor our future endeavor, I have been choosing song titles from Kings of Leon for titles of the blogs. It added spice to the blogs for me, and allowed me to look forward to the concert in a healthy capacity.

Thanks for reading along, hope you enjoyed it. Cheers!

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Noah Beam

<p>Well hello there. Welcome to &ldquo;From Noah to Man&rdquo; &ndash; I&rsquo;m Noah. This blog is about my incredible journey to Sydney, Australia. Not only is this blog being sent [from] me, [Noah], [to] y&rsquo;all [man]kind; but also this blog highlights my development of character as I seek to grow [from] who I am now [Noah], [to] who I want to be when I return to TCU, a [man] with an identity.</p>

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