Tomorrow I leave on the adventure of a lifetime. At 7:30 p.m., I will be boarding the flight taking me to London, England for the next four months! (Pending the nor'easter snow storm which is about to hit my lovely home state of Massachusetts, I may actually be leaving in two days. However, c'est la vie.)
I am incredibly fortunate to have an existing support system both already in London, traveling with me on this adventure, and supporting me from home. My lovely partner has just flown from Texas to Massachusetts, and is getting ready to fly out to London on the same flight as me (he will be studying at QMUL, which IES students can choose to take classes at!). One of my best friends from high school goes to school in London full time and will be waiting to greet me, and my amazing family will be supporting me from back home in the states. Because of this, I’ve decided to ask them about what they are most excited for, both for myself and them. They’ve shared some tips and tricks, hopes, and general thoughts on what is sure to be a life changing experience!
Full time student in London, grew up in Massachusetts with me
What is your favorite part of studying in London?
My favorite part about studying in London is how many opportunities there are to expand your education using the sources of the city such as museums and events relating to my degree. The city adds an exciting more hands-on aspect to my major.
What is most different about studying in the UK as opposed to London?
The most different thing about studying abroad is how classes are set up, as all of my classes are directly related to my major and we do not have to sign up for excess or core subject (math, science, language) classes.
What’s one thing I should do in London?
One thing you should do while visiting London is to visit all the museums as they are free and some of the best in the world.
Jennifer, my Mom
Visiting me in March
If you were going to London, what would you want to do?
Go to high tea!
What’s one piece of wisdom you have for me?
Don’t carry cash (she didn’t know this previously, we’ve been exchanging back money).
Michael, my Step-Dad
Studied abroad in London (talks about it a lot)
What do you recommend doing?
Traveling as much as possible, seeing things, getting to know people who actually live in the countries you visit.
What are you most excited about for me?
New experiences, for you to be on your own and travel. You’re gonna remember it for the rest of your life!
Hayes, my partner
Fellow American University student, traveling with me to London
What are you most excited about?
I’m most excited about all of the people that I am going to meet not only from London but from all around the world. I can’t wait to share stories and hear all about the unique experiences that people bring to London.
What’s one thing on your study abroad bucket list?
I want to travel to Amsterdam but I think the main things on my bucket list are to find a nice teahouse that I can spend time at with myself and my friends.
What are you looking forward to academically?
The classes I am taking are super cool and advanced (environmental health policy) but I am hoping to continue to do research at QMUL
Needless to say, I’m super excited myself. I’m writing this final paragraph in the Boston Logan International Terminal (my flight wasn’t canceled, thank goodness) and I am brimming with excitement. I’ll try to do all these things and more, and I’ll be keeping the IES blog updated along the way. Now, my flight to Heathrow is about to board! I’ll talk to you all later (:

Megan Kempton
My name is Megan Kempton and I am a junior at American University studying Musical Theatre and Communication studies. I'm going to London to study and to embark on an internship. In my free time I like writing, reading, puzzles, and making music!