Last weekend I had the opporunity to travel around the Scottish Highlands with my aunt. We saw some stunning man-made architecture in the form of castles and churches, but most of all, we witnessed the incredible natural landscape of the Highlands. In honor of Earth Day, here are some of my favorite snapshots from that trip of the beautiful landscape of the Highlands.
"When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world." --John Muir
A sunset view over the isles from Oban, Scotland.
A view of the mountains through the Highlands.
A look at the Isle of Mull from Lachaline, the spot where my great great great grandparents were married in the 1800s.
A view of one of the lighthouses in the Scottish isles from the ferry to the Isle of Mull.
One of earth's beautiful creatures--sheep! These are in abundance in Scotland (and Ireland)!
Up close shot of the cherry blossom trees at the University of Glasgow in Glasgow, Scotland.

Margaret Anderle
<p>I am a student studying history, political science, and international relations at the University of Rochester, interested in pursuing a career in law and politics. I love to travel, read, and go on new adventures, the next of which is my semester abroad in Dublin, Ireland studying at Trinity College. I like to express my thoughts and opinions through photography and blogging, and have organized my class structure such that I am always learning new things about the world around me. I think its important to look at our past to formulate positive change for the future, and I hope that with experience in politics and history I can hope to contribute in a positive way to the world around me, wherever my adventures may take me. </p>