I’m the worst.
But seriously, I am. In less than a week, I leave my home in upstate New York for the adventure of a lifetime in Amsterdam. While I am excited beyond belief, I’m not exactly prepared.
First of all, I don’t know any Dutch. Like none at all. From what I understand, it’s easy to get by with English in the Netherlands, but the thought of living in a country for four months and not knowing the native language makes me nervous. Can anyone buy me Rosetta Stone?
However, my worst offense has to do with my bike riding skills. Or, my lack thereof. I’ll just get it out there: I don’t know how to ride a bike. I know, it’s unimaginable. But it’s true.
For those that don’t know, bike riding is a huge part of the culture in Amsterdam. Like, everyone does it. It’s like going to New York City and not knowing how to jaywalk.
Every time my parents try to help me, I either end up crying or yelling or freaking out beyond belief. There is no way this can end well.
While I still have a few days to get my act together, there is still so much I have to do. I haven’t packed, I haven’t cleaned, I haven’t figured out who’s bringing me to the airport, I haven’t picked up my prescription drugs from the pharmacy.
I less than a week until I leave America for four months. Wish me luck.

Julie Alderman
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I’m Julie Alderman, a junior at the George Washington University studying political communication, and I’m ready for the adventure of a lifetime in Amsterdam. I love strong coffee, good writing and all types of music (from opera to country). I hail from Manlius, New York, a small town outside of Syracuse and I am ready to live it up in Amsterdam and travel all around Europe!</span></p>