On the eve of my departure, I’ve spent a lot of time talking about things I’ll miss and the people I’ll miss (read: sobbing). This amazing chapter of our lives is coming to a close. Rather than continue to dwell on what I’ll miss, I think it’s time to look at what I’ll be coming home to.
- My family: right in time for the holidays, it will be great to see my family once again.
- Free ketchup: this is for my friend Caroline. In Amsterdam, they charge up to a euro for condiments, like ketchup. Can’t wait to snag all the free packets I want.
- Free refills: for some bizarre reason, they Dutch don’t believe in fountain soda. Because of this, free refills do not exist.
- Not relying on public transportation: the tram system is great, but I’m happy that I won’t have to pay up to two euros to get to class.
- Unlimited data: now I’ll be able to Instagram and tweet anywhere!
- Being in the same time zone as my friends: while the Internet makes things easy, being six hours ahead of people I love can be difficult. No longer being across an ocean will make things easier.
- Hearing English: Dutch isn’t exactly the most beautiful language.
Only about 14 hours until I board my flight home and I could not be sadder to leave. Amsterdam, you know how to treat a girl.

Julie Alderman
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I’m Julie Alderman, a junior at the George Washington University studying political communication, and I’m ready for the adventure of a lifetime in Amsterdam. I love strong coffee, good writing and all types of music (from opera to country). I hail from Manlius, New York, a small town outside of Syracuse and I am ready to live it up in Amsterdam and travel all around Europe!</span></p>