Alex's 21st in Dubrovnik

Jennifer Li
November 8, 2016


Hello again! I’m sitting in between classes trying to rush out my blog posts while counting the remainder days we have left in Barcelona. For some weird reason, I’m in a weird funk. Hopefully, I can get over it soon but on a brighter note I finished all the videos I wanted to finish for October. I know I’m a few days late but we had midterms a few weeks ago and it was rough (haha). Anyways, I live in a homestay with 2 dogs, 1 cat, 2 bunnies and my roommate Alexandra Bunn. We’ve been living together for 2 months now and I have no problem at all with my living situation. Our host mom makes the most delicious dinners and I love it. Our beds are so close together we could hold hands sleeping or if my alarm rings in the morning and I don’t hear it, she could just reach over and turn it off (which is what happens every morning). So we took a weekend off in Croatia and it was incredible. Dubrovnik was beautiful and the weather was perfect. I did lose my Go Pro in the ocean. I didn’t want it to ruin the trip and our Croatia video so I pulled out my iPhone and continued to record videos. I lost most of the film but it was definitely worth it. And now it’s time to say goodbye to October and hello to November. I’ll be traveling to Zurich, Lisbon, Amsterdam and all of Italy. And now it’s time for class. Enjoy my video xx

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Jennifer Li

<p>Hey everyone! My name is Jennifer Li and I&rsquo;m originally from Johannesburg, South Africa. After my &frac12; birthday my family moved to Hong Kong &amp; before I turned 2 we moved to Los Angeles, California. I&rsquo;m currently at the George Washington University pursuing a bachelor&rsquo;s degree in marketing. I&rsquo;m so stoked to be studying in Barcelona this Fall!!! Follow me on this blog to see my upcoming adventures through photographs and videos!</p>

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