One Day At A Time

Disa Robb
September 10, 2013

Salamu Alaykum !

It’s been a full week in Morocco and a breathtaking experience. Before arriving I was worried about not being prepared physically, mentally and financially. Nonetheless everything has worked out for the best. For the most part the city has excellent views, beautiful people and great food! I’m loving every second of it.

Most of my anxiety stemmed from the culture of women within Morocco. Studying in an Islamic country it is very important to abide by the dress code; cover up at all times. There has been days where it is very hot and usually in the US I would wear shorts and a tank-top. Nope. Doesn’t happen that way here.

Don’t get me wrong you are able to wear a tank top but your shoulders have to be covered. So what I would do is wear either a light cardigan or wrap a scarf around my shoulders. At first it was a lot for me but after a while it turned out being really cute and fashionable.

Just like preparing for any trip, packing was a process in itself. I constantly reminded myself that I will be shopping when I arrive and there is way too much to buy that my luggage can hold. For the first week we’ve been in Fes learning the Arabic dialect in Morocco. The medina is where everyone goes to shop and OMG it is great. The prices are reasonable  (actually very inexpensive) and if not, you are able to bargain. I’m still learning, nShallah.

Getting around has been the biggest hassle ever! Trying to get a cab during rush hour over here is the worst ever. And if the drivers can tell you’re a tourist they will charge you extra. So be very aware.

My host mom feeds my roommate and I at least 3-4 times a day. Every meal consists of bread and the tea is drowned with sugar. The tea isn’t so much a problem but by the end of the trip the bread will definitely have a toll on my body. So be prepared to eat!

I’m really enjoying myself and I can see myself comfortably living here for the next 3 months. Morocco is great!


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Disa Robb

<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I am a junior at Howard University, located in Washington, D.C., majoring in Journalism with a minor in Business Administration. Post-graduation I plan to attend the University of Miami and pursue a career in International Administration. I enjoy photography, writing, music and art. Traveling to Morocco, I hope to find a different perspective for my work and bring a little piece of the country back with me. I look forward to exploring different volunteer and activist opportunities. I hope you enjoy my posts about my experience!</span></p>

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