In all honesty, I was a complete mess the days following my departure from home. That is usually how I am when it comes to traveling. The thought of packing everything up and leaving (especially for a couple of months) is extremely stressful to me.
When preparing for Amsterdam, what stressed me out the most was that I didn’t know what to expect. I had no idea what was going to happen as soon as I got off the plane and it truly terrified me. Whenever I tried to calm myself down, my brain would start up again with a myriad of thoughts. How was I going to get to my classes? How do I even get a transportation card? How do I withdraw money when I get there? The more those questions swarmed around, the more I convinced myself that I didn’t want to go anymore!
However, that all changed the second my taxi dropped me off at my dorm Monday morning. I was greeted by both the reception desk and IES Abroad staff who provided me with a week-long orientation schedule with events all over the city. Each day brought me to a new part of the city and definitely calmed my nerves. The IES Abroad staff were extremely patient and made sure that all of our questions were answered. Everything I worried about while packing was thoroughly answered at all the orientation events and I started to get comfortable in my new home. On Friday, I had appointments with both Immigration and City Hall, and I was able to get to both of them without getting lost! It made me realize that everything that I was stressing about was really nothing!
One thing that was completely unexpected for me was how friendly all the other IES Abroad students were. From the very beginning, everyone at orientation was very welcoming and eager to get to know each other; I made some new friends very quickly!
If I could go back a week in time, I would tell myself to stop worrying about the little things and enjoy the journey! My first week in Amsterdam has been amazing and has already taught me so much. I’m super excited to continue my journey!

Chloe Abracosa
Chloe Abracosa is a Filipina-American student from Southern California. She is currently in her third year at Sarah Lawrence College studying the Social Sciences. When she is not studying, she loves to play music and take portraits of her friends.