Finals Week and Farewells, Love London

Bridget Terranova
December 20, 2021
IES Abroad Center

The time has come, not only finals week but also my last week in London completely. Finals have been had considering at times it is easy to forget the “study” in studying abroad. It is difficult knowing that by the end of the week, the semester abroad will be over. I know it is sad, but finals week is also a good part of the memories too. 

Finals week means you did it! All of your hard work studying, balancing school, and being abroad is such an accomplishment. If you can, try to plan ahead for finals week so that way you do not feel as overwhelmed. For me, finals week was busy so let me give some advice as to how I helped myself manage the chaos. 

Most of my finals were open-book finals, so I started by organizing my notes and any other materials I needed for each class. Read through the materials before too, that way you are not spending half of the exam time looking through notes. This will help you be able to just grab and go the morning of the final, so you will not be scrambling in the morning or during the test. If your final is a typed essay, then I started early, even if it was just typing 100 words a day. This allowed me to manage due dates better.  

During finals week, I was also trying to pack my bags, book a COVID-19 test to go home, visit last-minute spots, hang out with friends, and get ready for the IES Abroad farewell event. This is why managing and preparing for finals week in advance will come in handy. The last week is basically a time to cram in anything and everything. 

Some advice because COVID-19 seems to be staying around longer than it's welcome, book your COVID-19 test to come home earlier than the last week you are abroad. I made the very bad decision of waiting to book mine until 3 days before I left and was struggling to find an opening to get my test within the 24 hour time of my flight. 

My friends and I used the week to go around to some favorite spots throughout London to basically say our goodbyes. We went back to Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, and more! It was sad to know that these places will not be so close anymore, but I was able to go back and take it all in one last time. 

I honestly debated about even going to the IES Abroad farewell event, simply because I wanted to be in London walking around more, but I am so glad that I went! I definitely recommend going to this event because you get to say your farewells to the people you met through IES Abroad and the staff of IES Abroad who attend too. Our farewell event was Afternoon Tea at a beautiful art gallery. I got to see some of the IES Abroad professors and enjoy an amazing afternoon with friends. 

I am sad that my last week in London has finally come, but no worries because I have made so many amazing memories that I know London and I will meet again. Push through the chaos, it is worth it. 

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Bridget Terranova

<p>Hi, I am Bridget Terranova, a senior majoring in Global Cultural Studies with minors in Social Media and Modern Languages from Point Park University located in Pittsburgh! Traveling has always been an interest of mine, along with others such as music, soccer, and painting. I cannot wait to explore all of London (hopefully more of Europe too) and see what other adventures await for me around the world. To quote one of my favorite movies, Mamma Mia: Here We go Again, "Life is short, the world is wide. I want to make some memories" -Young Donna.</p>

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Point Park University
Lower Burrell, PA
Global Studies
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