“My Wish for You”: Letters from IES Abroad Moms

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Whether it’s moms, grandmothers, aunts, or other mentors, the maternal figures in our lives shape who we are in big and little ways. They teach us how to see ourselves and how to see the world.

At IES Abroad, we want as many students as possible to see the world through life-changing study abroad experiences. Read on as IES Abroad moms share their study abroad wishes for their own children.

Cameron Alzubi, Database & Research Manager, Advancement Services

“There are no material things I can give you that will be as valuable as travel. I can only hope to build you up enough so that you are brave, compassionate, and ready to fly as soon as you are able.” 

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Abby Baric, Senior Communications Manager

“I may not have all the answers for you throughout your life, but this much I know is true: studying abroad is the ultimate journey of discovery. It’s a chance to discover yourself and the world around you. It’s an opportunity for you to explore, and develop an appreciation for different cultures and beliefs.” 

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Kate Bryant, College Relations Manager

“But, most of all, we will love to see you make new friends. We want you to get to know them, and we hope that you will understand that even though they have feelings that are different from yours, they matter just as much.” 

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Melissa Comiskey, Executive Director of Internship Programming

“Challenge yourself to live outside of your comfort zone and to experience all that is unique and special in this world. Because that, sweet boy, is where you find yourself.”

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Gretchen Cook-Anderson, Director of Diversity Recruiting & Advising

“As we explore the world, she reminds us of our worth, our beauty, our dynamism, and our power as women.”

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Nicole Granacki, College Relations Manager

“As you explore the world, you might find that you learn about yourself. Being a mix of so many different cultures and religions is not going to be easy at times.” 

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Stephanie King, Assistant Director of Marketing

“You will spend time living abroad and learning about other cultures because the more you get to know others and experience how they live, the more you will get to know yourself. The world will open your eyes and your heart in ways you never could imagine.” 

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Amy Ruhter McMillan headshot

Amy Ruhter McMillan, Associate Vice President of Marketing

“I challenge you to find your way, big or small, to make an impact. To volunteer or help cure or think of solutions or provide support. Because you have a responsibility to give back something of what you have been given and learned—global citizenship must be a circle.”

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Jody Madler headshot

Jody Madler, Executive Director of Advancement

“There are diverse cultures, landscapes, ecosystems, lifestyles, and points of view that we want you to explore, experience, and understand.” 

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Lesley Melega headshot

Lesley Melega, Assistant Vice President & Counsel

“I hope that you find a love for travel, a love for other cultures, and that you someday have the opportunity to study and live abroad.” 

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Rachel Rice, College Relations Manager

“I want you to speak another language – we’ll start with French, but you can take up Urdu or Mandarin – I’m not picky!” 

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Stephanie Rock, Associate Dean of Students

“I hope that you will one day want to study abroad in order to help you learn about and respect difference, and eventually transcend difference and consider, through humanity, how we are the same.” 

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Katie Burke, Associate Director of Customized & Faculty-Led Programs

"To me, Mother's Day is all about hope." 

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Carrie Cunningham, Director of Institutional Research

"If there is but one wish I could have for all of you, it is to enthusiastically embrace a life of curiosity." 

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Kristi Derkacy, Executive Assistant to the CIO

"With humility, you will realize how important it is to embrace people as they are. There is not one way, but many." 

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Psst…if your mom wants to learn more about our commitment to student health and safety and making study abroad affordable on top of being academically stimulating and personally rewarding, share a link to our Parent section.

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