"My Wish for You": Letters from IES Abroad Moms, Stephanie Rock

Stephanie Rock
May 11, 2018

from Stephanie Rock, Associate Dean of Students

Dear Thomas,

When I traveled while I was pregnant with you to Berlin and Vienna, I hoped that somehow you were absorbing my love of travel as a fetus. Through travel, the world becomes a smaller place, and our minds open up to possibilities beyond what is familiar.

As your Mom that is one of the greatest hopes I have for you. You are four years old now, and we have begun to show you the U.S. to give you a sense of your roots and to help you to be a resilient traveler from a young age, so that you will later find your wings.

I hope that you will one day want to study abroad in order to help you learn about and respect difference, and eventually transcend difference and consider, through humanity, how we are the same. Children are not born with bias, and I consider it part of my duty to you as my child to help you maintain an open mind and an open heart to others. Through study abroad you will become comfortable with being uncomfortable, and, as your mother, I want you to grow from being uncomfortable.

"I hope that you will one day want to study abroad in order to help you learn about and respect difference, and eventually transcend difference and consider, through humanity, how we are the same."

I will not say no to any destination you choose to study, and I will come to visit you there. You will be my tour guide, showing your Mom your favorite coffee place and how you take public transportation, as you discovered them on your own, independent of me. I look forward to this day, that you will feel confident as a traveler and as a student of the world.


Your Mommy

Read more Letters from IES Abroad Moms.

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Stephanie Rock

Associate Dean of Students

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