I know, I know. It really shouldn’t take me a week just to upload the second part of a two-part post. I never said I was perfect, but, if it makes you feel any better, I’ve been having some (ongoing) internet problems here.
It’s partly a blessing because it forces me to actually leave my comfortable homestay and go and out and, you know, interact with real live people.
But I recognize the adverse effects on the Blog and I apologize.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
The second day of our trip, we visited an impressive fortress in Sorano, including, you guessed it, underneath the structure itself.
This particular fortress has been sold off in parts because, understandably, its a tad expensive to upkeep. So now partially it’s a tourist attraction as an incredible structure, partially it’s a museum, and partially it’s a hotel.
Talk about the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.
Afterwards, we took a bus ride to Montalcino where, after lunch, my Presence of the Past professor took us on a miniature tour of the gorgeous little city.

A view from Montalcino: According to my professor, on a clear day you can see the sea in one direction and Siena in another.
The views alone made Montalcino worth the visit. Hearing the history of its relationship with Siena was just a plus.
I guess I need to explain that, unlike traditional field trips, when I’m in Italy I actually enjoy the learning part of a field trip. Surrounded, as I’ve mentioned, with so much visible history inspires a sense of academia. You want to learn because you want to understand why everything around you exists.
After Montalcino, we visited the nearby Abbey of Sant’Antimo.
We weren’t allowed to take pictures inside the church, but it was a gorgeous. We walked around the inside, making the same procession pilgrims on their way to Rome would.
It makes you realize that you are quite literally standing where pilgrims stood and that everything you see could be seen hundreds of years before.
That can get a bit overwhelming.
Afterwards, we went to a wine tasting to de-whelm ourselves and rode home during the Tuscan sunset.
I’ve never been happier to see Siena. Visiting Venice didn’t feel as exhausting as the two days of this cultural trip and, as you well know, I’m always happy to come back to the city that feels like home.

Taylor Baciocco
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Hi! I'm Taylor and I major in English and minor in History at the University of Richmond. I am a novice traveler at best, and have never been anywhere a car couldn't take me, so I am incredibly excited to be studying in Siena, Italy for the next academic year. In addition to my major and minor, I also am incredibly passionate about music, voice and piano being my preferred instruments, and can't wait to see what musical outlets I find in Siena. I can't believe I'm spending an entire year in a city I know I'm going to fall absolutely in love with and I can't wait to share my perspective of Siena with you!</span></p>