Study Abroad is filled with opportunities for adventure, excitement, and exploration. I love showing my friends and family pictures of all the cool places in Japan I go. A lot of my best exploration and travel happens on the weekends, when I don’t have class. During the week, most students are too busy with homework, studying, clubs, and the daily commute to and from school.
While exploring new sights is fun and exciting, school and our housing is where students spend most of their time. I thought I would show my favorite parts of the Kanda University, as well as what the city I live in!
Kanda University of International Studies is located in the Chiba prefecture, about a 45 minute train ride from central Tokyo.

One of the campus’s most distinctive buildings is Building 7. This first floor is a library, while the second floor is the MULC (Multilingual Communication Center). It’s a designated area for Japanese students to practice foreign lanugages like Korean, Indonesian, Thai, Spanish, etc. It also has a garden, and a cafeteria.

My other favorite part of the Kanda Campus in the garden. We’re surrounded by tall buildings and large roads, so the garden is a nice place to escape to.

When classes are over for the day, I take the train to Maihama, which is right in between campus and central Tokyo. The station I get off at every day is right next to Tokyo Disneyland, so its always crowded!

I take a bus from the Maihama station to my apartment, which is much more residential then the Kanda campus area. I love living in this area because it feels more like an authentic experience of the kinds of areas Japanese people live than a college dormitory.

Doesn't hurt to have a beautiul view from my apartment either.

I love getting to live and study in Japan!

Sara Macconnell
<p>Hi! My name is Sara MacConnell and I'm studying abroad in Tokyo in Fall 2018. I've been taking Japanese classes since I was a freshman in high school, so I'm very excited to spend a whole semester getting to put my language skills to use! I'm a rising senior at the University of Puget Sound where I study Japanese and Business Administration. On campus, I'm involved in greek life, I'm the publicity chair for Students Against Sexual Assault, I do costume design for the theater department, and I work in my school's study abroad office. My favorite things to do are photography, hiking, cooking, trying new restaurants, and watching Netflix with my friends.</p>