London is amazing and we’re living in the middle of it. I’ve never lived in a big city before and I am absolutely overwhelmed by all of the possibilities. Everything is so accessible. Music, parks, grocery stores, cafés, people, history, museums, movies, culture. All so close, usually within walking distance. And if not within walking distance, that is okay with me because the Tube is my best friend. I think it’s probably because I’m new but I enjoy every single ride on that thing. It is so instantly rewarding with the contactless Oyster Card that you just tap on the sensor and the services running in every direction to every place every two minutes. Plus the musicians down there are always super good. Sometimes I am walking down the street, pushing passively through fast-moving throngs of people and listening to music, just looking around, and it all feels very surreal. The streets are teeming with crazy energy, with the bicycles, buses, and taxis flying by in every direction, hugging the curbs and stopping for nothing short of death. Absolutely no pedestrians follow street lights and cars push through herds of jaywalkers. Somehow, though, it all works. The juxtaposition between the Londoners the buildings just sends the whole scene over the edge (of reality). We’ve been doing a ton of really cool exploring; museums, comedy clubs, wine bars, and lots of food. More to come!
Sam xx

Samantha Loria
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Samantha Loria is a junior Molecular Genetics/History double major at the University of Rochester in Western New York. She is an Irish Dancer, loves music and learning from all kinds of people and is going on the adventure of her life at Oxford University! She plans on soaking up all the culture, knowledge, and nature that she can handle and here, in this blog, she will seek to pass along all of the wisdom that she encounters, the emotions that she feels, and the incredible sights that she sees on this great journey. Come, explore, and learn!</span></p>