September 29th, one of the best days ever. Have you ever heard of heaven on Earth? It is called the Cuppapug, a pug cafe. My friend Bri and I were casually talking one day and we realized that we both needed some puppy love. Not puppy love as in the excruciatingly painful innocent love, but as in puppy love with some puppers. That’s when Bri’s face brightened up and said: “I know a place."
Cuppapug is located in London, it is a cozy place with vibrant colors. The drinks are immaculate, but the puppers, those are the real deal. There are a total of 9 resident pugs: Gaston, Bruce, Bowser, Gizmo, Bebé, Beau, Baloo, Berken, and Hercules. Their personalities create a harmonious-chaotic atmosphere. But the puppies were napping as they had just had their lunch right when we got there.
So, we patiently waited. By we, I mean Bri, Queenie, Abby, and I (of course). Even though it was a bit anticlimactic (I wanted a room with running dogs), it was very cute to see the little angels on their beds, snuggling with each other. We got to scratch their favorite spots and admire their easy-going life filled with love.
As we did, we ordered our drinks. We all got yummy milkshakes, which helped us pass the time. We obviously could not handle the cuteness and took some pics here and there, until we decided to hack the system and get the puggies some treats. Bri got a strawberry bowl (which I did not know you could give to dogs), which instantly got tails wagging and a furry avalanche—nap time was over. Or so we thought, because as soon as the strawberries were done: POOF! It was naptime again. However, our friend decided to up the game by getting the pups a pupccino! This was the absolutest, most chaotic, cutest avalanche of love ever. They went insane, so much that the owners of the place had to intervene every now and then, since some of the puggies were a bit greedy.
On a more serious note, I think that having these sorts of initiatives—domestic animal cafes—are wonderful ideas. It is important to highlight that the animals rather than the customers, are always the priority. We are being introduced into their environments and we should respect it (it should be like this everywhere with every animal in the world). Likewise, half of this crew of pugs are rescued. Not only do the profits of the business go into taking care of the pups, but also go into national charities! Lastly, I believe that animals are an incredible support to our mental health (at least to mine), so to be able to have a space to interact and feel love was truly magical.
If you want to learn more about this cafe, their mission or the pups, please do visit their website (https://www.cuppapug.com/about). You can also donate to the charity listed on their website or purchase some cool souvenirs (ALL FOR THE PUGS!).

Paulina Morera Quesada
My name is Paulina, I am a artist from Costa Rica. I attend St. Olaf College, where I study Inclusivity in the Performing Arts. My life mission is to create inclusive spaces for people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals in the performing arts.