It’s right before I board my flights for New Zealand, and even though I’ve told every single one of my relatives and friends I’m excited to go, there’s never going to be a moment where I think I’m one hundred percent prepared or ready to spend 5 months away from my life. I’ve read some of the past student blogs from Christchurch, and they all had a similar experience in the days before leaving for New Zealand.. It’s a daunting task studying abroad, so I wanted to give my last minute things that I’ve been thinking about this week for anyone who procrastinated their study abroad planning like I did.
#1: Figure out your phone situation. It’s taken me up until this last week to actually research and understand how international phone plans work, especially because there’s different options: buying a phone there, getting your sim card replaced, getting e-sims, getting international plans with your provider, etc. I procrastinated this part of planning for my trip because it was confusing and frustrating, but once I took some time to sit down and look into it, I realized that it’s good to have all these options. My current phone doesn’t have a sim card holder, but I have an old phone that I'll use once I'm in New Zealand. I'm still bringing my current phone in case of emergencies because it's always good to have a backup plan for everything.
#2: Capture the memories. All of my friends who have studied abroad gave me this advice, so I’m giving it to all of you, too. Five months seems like forever when you’re preparing to leave, but I know it’ll go by fast, so I’m bringing a travel journal and promising myself to write as much as possible, even if it’s just as simple as writing down everything I did and everywhere I went. Having these memories when you’re older is priceless, so I’m going to outline my stay in Christchurch to the best of my ability. Additionally, I’m working to get myself a cheap digital camera (doesn’t have to be expensive, just something small) because I think it adds to the experience of having something specifically dedicated to taking photos and making memories.
#3: Say yes! If you’re like me, then this is the furthest you’ve ever traveled before, and maybe it’s the only time you’ll make it out to New Zealand, so start saying yes to things outside your comfort zone. Whether it’s trying lamb for the first time, going south to the Fiordlands, or doing something thrill seeking, say yes. You know the saying, “you only live once?” Think about it this way: you’re only young once. Take advantage of New Zealand and make your study abroad experience amazing. Now, for me, I’ll keep you all updated on what I end up saying yes to over these next few months.
I’ve got to catch my flight, so next time you’ll be hearing from me will be when I’m in New Zealand and have plenty of stories to share!

Patrick Brady
Hello! My name is Patrick, and I'm a third year studying English at the College of William & Mary! Some of my hobbies include running, reading a good book, and rock climbing! My favorite TV show right now is Survivor (it's an awesome show).