Spanish class today: We were supposed to go to the Cerro Santa Lucia, randomly interview some Chileans, and take a picture to prove we actually went. I ended up with 67 photos on my camera. Whoops. But then, that’s typical – everytime I leave the apartment (or even when I don’t), I get more than I ask for, in the best possible way. Here are my top 4 this week:
- The “cultural act” in the park nearby seemed like a good way to wrap up a lazy Sunday. I went with a couple friends and brought some work for class. What occurred in that park can only be described as a hard-rock concert for children. The only lyrics I caught were “Jesus” and “recycling,” but the kids were loving it. Misteriously, I was very productive and finished my entire assignment.
- I ran to el Mercado Central. It was a bit far for me, so I took a walking break in the market. You can see where this is going…I ran all the way back swinging a new pair of shoes. (But they were only $6 USD and I love them, I really do.)
- I wanted a decent hike. A few metro stops and a short bus ride later, I got a workout and a view for which I would have traveled hours. Hiking is in my opinion the most underrated opportunity in Santiago. The pre-cordillera (the foothills of the Andes) starts right at the edge of the city, and so do the trails.
- I wanted a conversation around the dinner table. I got tears in my eyes from laughing.
I could go on – I wanted sushi and got strangely delicious cream cheese/avocado/shrimp rolls. I wanted a political education and got the 40th anniversary of the military coup, presidential elections, and Chilean independence day. But food and politics merit their own respective blog posts, and so I’ll leave it at that.
I thought I would really miss university life, miss the way I could just walk on campus any day and stumble upon a moon bounce, free ice cream, or lectures on everything from nanobiotechnology to the politics of pygamas in 18th century France. Yet I’ve found life here just as rewarding, only instead of just campus I have the whole of Santiago de Chile.

Maya Silver
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Maya is a senior majoring in Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University. In addition to classes and laboratory research, she enjoys running, martial arts, and improvisational baking (with variable results). Having achieved comprehension of the Baltimore accent, she hopes to master Spanish as well, and is looking forward to many adventures in Chile!</span></p>