it's time to santiaGO :)

Marley Crank
August 3, 2015

Hey guys! It's Marley :) I am one of the 21 students luck enough to partake in an incredible semester abroad in Santiago, Chile. We've only been at it for a week but it feels like we've been here forever (in a great way). So far we have spent time with our host families, gotten a bit more oriented in the city, taken a few classes on Chilean culture and language, went to orientation at the university we will be enrolled in, and explored 2 cities outside of Santiago: Valparaíso and Viña del Mar. Our orientation has been filled with food, art, coffee, music, and anticipation for the things to come. Needless to say, I have fallen in love with this country and all of its soul. 

Marley Crank

<div>Hi there! I&#39;m Marley, 19 years old from Maryland :) I am a cheese appreciator, lover of the earth, and hopeful human. I&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 13.0080003738403px; line-height: 1.538em;">am extremely grateful to be in Santiago and hope that this blog helps to capture my experiences so that others may&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 13.0080003738403px; line-height: 1.538em;">share in them.</span></div>

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