This weekend a group of friends of mine and I decided that we should take advantage of our location and bike on over to France. Another group of IES Abroad students had taken the journey the previous weekend and we heard great things. Our plan was to meet in the morning and rent bikes for the day. The bikes were about 14 euros and were great quality. We all packed a picnic lunch and planned to sit near the Rhine and eat once we reached Breisach. It ended up being a beautiful day with abnormally high temperatures for November and tons of sun! I cannot lie, the bike ride was fairly strenuous and it ended up taking about 2 hours to get to Breisach. This was, however, due to a bit of navigational confusion. Let's just say we took the scenic route. It only ended up taking us about 1.5 hours to return. With aching legs, we all returned to our flats with an appreciation for a day full of fresh air and sun. I think it was what we all needed. Afterwards I was joined with a friend for a cappuccino and a windowsill talk as we watched the sun set over the fall trees. This day encompasses a lot of the classic Freiburg things: outdoors, coffee, sunsets, biking, friends. We here in Freiburg are lucky for the chance to live a laid back life!

Layne Garrelts
<p>Hello there! I'm Layne. I was raised in Nebraska and am currently studying International Relations at University of San Diego. I enjoy learning, laughing, dancing, reading, connecting with people, and being outside. I think life is pretty amazing and I enjoy capturing it on camera.</p>