It all starts with my alarm going off at 8 a.m. I can hear the birds chirping, and can see the beams of light coming through the curtain in my room. It will be a perfect day I think as I get up and reach for my alarm.
I hit snooze and go back to sleep for another hour because who really gets up the first time their alarm goes off?
An hour later I wake up, for real this time no tricks. I don’t have an itinerary for the day and decide to venture out for a day alone in London.
I was going to walk the hour journey to the Tower Bridge. I wanted to see all of London’s little streets with works of art on the buildings, I wanted to see a little café with people doing work on their laptops, and I wanted to find new adventures.
I change my mind and take the tube instead because it is already too early and that’s way too far.
But enough about me describing how I am not a morning person.
Walking the glass floors across the Tower Bridge was something I have been looking forward to since I first was accepted to study abroad. As I walk up to the counter and buy my ticket I feel a rush of excitement. It was only 7 other people and myself who were in the exhibit. Most walked across the floors and left within 10 minutes, but I think I stayed up there for 30 minutes. I stayed so long to the point I thought a worker would usher me out. I couldn’t help it. I kept thinking to myself
“I’m really here, I’m really in London”
As I finally leave I take a glance back at the amazing place I had just been in. I walk across the bridge, put headphones in, hit play, and head onto my next adventure.
Right as I put my headphones in, I take them out because I have arrived at the Tower of London across the bridge. It was a great song I just really needed to listen one more time.
The tower of London was an amazing castle. As I walked around I was able to see the crowned jewels, and noticed soldiers placed about. It was here I realized the strength of the monarchy still alive today and how I wished I were Kate Middleton.
It could still happen I’m not ruling it out….
It was after that I realized I had no other plans for the day and it was only 1 p.m. Most would figure out an elaborate plan on how to maximize their day in London. After all, I am only here fourteen weekends.
However, I decided to get lost. Yes, get lost. I have gone to most big attractions but I wanted to get to know London more. I picked a direction and went with it.
I walked the Thames and saw so many things I would’ve missed if I hadn’t walked around.
I saw performers dressed as yoda and singers selling their latest mixtapes, I saw a man who blew bubbles. Yes, blew bubbles. It is something so simple but so amazing that he had a crowd of people dancing in the bubbles. It amazed me. Something so simple causes so much joy.
I needed to get lost more often!
It was this trip I realized that it is okay to get lost and actually look at a map. I was without the Internet; my phone was basically a device to listen to music. I had just spent the entire day without checking instagram, or updating my snapchat story. And it was great. It was like it was just London and I for the day with no obligations or worries. I chose my path, and was so happy.
Study abroad has taught me so many things so far and I am not even halfway done. I started out this post with humor but end it on a serious note, but I don’t know it may be another trick.
I cannot be grateful enough to experience what I am, and to feel what I have felt. I could go on and on about what I do on the weekends but that isn’t what this post is about. I’ve learned so much about myself, and how to be a well-rounded person. I don’t want to make posts about what I do every weekend because I want to give a message. I don’t want to share my experiences I want you to go out and create them for yourself!
Go unplugged, get lost, and use a map.
Well, maybe not a map it was really confusing and I stood looking at it for 10 minutes, but try anyways!
Oh, and also don’t “really” get lost because that is scary. Just like… keep your phone on airplane mode and turn it on when you get too lost. What is the definition of too lost? I don’t know either I never said this post was perfect.
Cheers xx
Kalista Sutton

Kalista Sutton
<p>Hey everyone! I'm Kali from New York. I am a junior in marketing and communications at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, NY. You can find me at a local coffee shop or outside at a park admiring the views. This is my first overseas trip so I cannot wait to share the experience with you. You can expect posts such as typical tourist photos where I pose in front of a statue, photos of food (who doesn't love that?), and photos of me trying to get the princes attention on the way to class.</p>