Moving to a new country brings exciting challenges and changes to your life. I am only two weeks into my two-month journey, 5000 miles away from home, and already, the experiences I've had are shaping me in profound ways. Landing in Chile just 12 days ago, I was filled with anxiety and fear. However, when I knocked on the door of my new home, I was warmly welcomed by the most beautiful family imaginable. I have become a part of their family and doing life with them is such a beautiful gift. My 1 year old host brother has stolen my heart. I spend lots of time playing with him, singing to him, and helping him practice his physical therapy exercises. I’ve spent lots of days studying, exploring, and working in the hospital. On Wednesday 06/19 we had our first round of clinicals. Being able to have a hand in the global fight for quality and accessible healthcare has been an incredible privilege. So far I have spent time in the nutrition department, the neonatal intensive care unit and the pediatric intensive care unit. Apart from school and working, I have spent lots of time hiking, exploring, and getting to know this beautiful country. On our first few days after orientation we we rode the cable cars to the top of Cerro San Cristobal, a part of the andes mountains that has a beautiful church at the top. On top of the mountain I felt a wave of peace fall over me, I had such a beautiful moment of calm and gratitude for this opportunity. My friends and I have visited the cathedral, hiked Manquehue, and walked through new barrios. We have also spent time in government square learning about the deep political unrest that this country has endured and the history of the land we stand on. Although the past 2 weeks have come with lots of uncertainty and unexpected changes, I feel so grateful for the opportunity to spread light to the hurting souls in the hospital, my new family, and new friends.

Howell Pierce
My name is Howell Pierce. I am a rising Junior at Furman University. I am a pre-med student, and I am majoring in Psychology and Spanish. I am passionate about public health reform, community health and social media.