Goodbyes and Farewells

Greg Hauser
July 20, 2015

            Today is the 20th of July, and it’s my first day home since returning from Freiburg!  It’s fantastic to be home again, but I already miss being abroad.  Fortunately we did have a great last week!

            Although finals on Friday made for a little extra pressure, we were able to make the absolute most of it.  Our professors were very helpful in preparing us for the finals, and after a few study sessions we were more than ready.  We took the finals early in the day Friday, and spent the rest of the day soaking up the last moments we had together abroad!

            So forgive me if I start to gush here, but it must be said!  I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that I was very happy to be traveling with the other participants in the program, and I can easily say the same now.  I made better friends on this trip than I could have ever hoped for.  The entire program in and of itself was cool to be a part of, but what really made my experience was the people I spent the time with.  My new friends kept me laughing and smiling all the way through the two months we spent in Europe, and I’ll miss them more than any place I’ve been.  We’ve made plans to meet up, even though we live all across the U.S.  I see quite an epic road trip in the near future!

            Overall, I have to say my time abroad was a complete success.  I made it to both places I’d always wanted to go to, and to places I’d never thought of before.  I made great friends, learned a ton, and gained a whole new perspective of the world we live in.  I’m very thankful for this opportunity, and I can’t wait to travel again.  It was definitely a summer for the books!

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Greg Hauser

<p>I&#39;m a sophomore at NC State University studying Materials Science and Engineering. I&#39;ve lived in North Carolina all my life, but my family and I have traveled all over the U.S. I enjoy spending time with friends, meeting new people, listening and making music, and working with kids through the outreach program the College of Engineering at NC State operates. I love to jump into new things, and can&#39;t wait to see what is in store for me in Germany this Summer!</p>

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