Three weeks in the rearview..

Fiona Dwyer-Mcnulty
February 19, 2016

Almost 3 weeks in Berlin and it has all been a blur. Between making new friends, exploring, eating out, orientation, and trying to get some sleep, this blog has been the last thing on my mind. Luckily, I don't have classes on Friday, so I was able to decompress a bit and think about what it is about these past few weeks that I wanted to share with you! 

I'll start with this, Berlin is like no place I have ever been. It's an intimidating city, what with its young-hipster locals, all of whom are clad in black and do not smile. It's a big city, that offers a thousand different ways to get from point A to point B. And finally, it's a city that has been defined by history in an extremely visual way. You would be hardpressed to travel even the slightest distance through Berlin and not be reminded of WWII or more current issues regarding the refugee crisis. That is to say that Berlin is facinating. 

On a more personal note, Berlin is much different than the small town I come from. It's freer, more creative, and as most cities are, a little scary. While it felt strange and unnatural to be in this city a few weeks ago, everyday Berlin feels a bit more like home. As I reflect on how I feel about Berlin now versus how I felt my first week here, I am shocked at how quickly I (and we as humans) can adapt to new surroundings. I have already done so many things here that I've spent far too much of my life being afraid of. For example, living with a family who doesn't speak the same language as me, as it turns out, is really not something to lose sleep over! I realize my fears might not be the same as some of your own fears (is anyone reading this??), but whatever they are, stepping out of your comfort zone can do a world of good for overcoming any nagging apprehensions. So here is my advice, just do things, say yes to things even if the idea of it makes you really uncomfortable. It might just be the best thing you ever do.

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Fiona Dwyer-Mcnulty

<p>Hi there! My names is Fiona and I am a student at Marist College studying Political Science and Art History. I am a big fan of chocolate chip cookies, cross-word puzzles, watching old movies, and of course, traveling! I will be spending a semester in Berlin to learn all about cities, the importance of urban environments, and the local cuisine!</p>

Home University:
Marist College
Art History
Political Science
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