A Fine First Weekend

Erica Spear
September 3, 2015

My first week in Vienna was definitely busy--adjusting to a class schedule, preparing for auditions, and finding my way around my new home was a lot to juggle. The weekend came quickly and gave me the opportunity to check some things off of my Wien Bucket List! 
And so I did: it was a fine first weekend in the city (despite the very hot weather.)

On Saturday, a couple friends and I decided to check out the Naschmarkt, a huge open-air market that is open six days a week. It stretches about 1.5 km...about four blocks...and almost a mile! On Saturday, there is also a flea market component. We took the train over to the sixth district from our fifth district neighborhood and two stops later, we were at the Naschmarkt.

The Naschmarkt      

Being an avid farmer's market customer at home, as well as a self-proclaimed foodie, I was immediately excited by the endless vendors selling fresh produce, the meat and fish vendors, speciality shops, cheeses, and sweets...it was overwhelming in the best way possible. We beat the heat by walking under the shade of the vendor's stalls, trying different samples, and eating some of the most delicious blueberries that we had ever experienced. 


After circling the Naschmarkt a few times, we decided that it was time to partake in the Austrian coffee and cake culture. A few of my good friends back home urged me to visit Demel in the First District, so we hopped the train to Karlsplatz and headed off for an afternoon treat!
We got to Demel at 3, right at the height of coffee and cake time--it was crowded, but the wait wasn't so bad. Definitely worth my kleiner brauner and cremeschnitte! The strong taste of the coffee and the sweetness of the cake complimented each other perfectly. 


Sunday was incredibly sunny and quite hot--perfect weather for swimming in the Danube! A group of friends and I packed our swimsuits and towels along with some snacks, and off we went. We spent some time on a small beach at first, jumping off a dock and swimming in the cool water. The Danube is beautiful and clear, but also full of many riverweeds that can prevent you from diving down too far. The water felt amazing in the heat. We left the beach for a shadier spot and spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing, reading, listening to music, and going in and out of the water -- a perfect lazy Sunday spent with friends. I was happy to have experienced swimming in the river before the seasons change.


This weekend made me so thankful for the fact that I have already made so many great friends and memories already...and I am already looking forward to more.

Until next time...Tschuss!


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Erica Spear

<p>Erica is a senior at Appalachian State University, where she is double-majoring in Flute Performance and Music Education at the Hayes School of Music. At school, she is heavily involved in performing and teaching, at the university and in the surrounding area. Erica has a fairly global background, having family worldwide and being raised as a bilingual speaker (English and Japanese) but this is her first time abroad in Europe. She is looking forward to immersing herself in Viennese culture and embracing all of the art and history that the city has to offer. In her spare time, she enjoys running, yoga, cooking and baking, hiking, dancing, various creative outlets, and being introduced to new people and activities.</p>

Home University:
Appalachian State University
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