Last week there was a huge rally in Buenos Aires against the current government of Cristina Kirchner. Thousands of porteños came out to show their dissatisfaction with judicial reforms and against the “re-re” – meaning the re-re election of Kirchner. Many Argentines fear that Cristina will rewrite the constitution in order to “legally” run for another term. Many signs addressed this issue of constitutional edits, reading “no se toca”. I was impressed by the hugely diverse crowd at this event – students, senior citizens, families, babies, girls in school uniforms, dancers, musicians, people chanting, people selling flags – the whole city came out, chanting “se acaba” (it’s enough) and “ladrones” (thieves). Clearly, many people agreed with the aims of protest, but of course there are some who did not agree with it’s message – or with the manner of delivering the message. Regardless, it is incredible to me to see so many people participating in their democracy – this age of argentine democracy is young and people do not take it for granted. Read for a little more information about the event.

Starting off with la banda argentina

A tiny boy with his picket sign

protesting dictatorship

People in the construction site in front of the Obelisco

Girls in the construction site

People here are fiercely opposed to “re-re” election of Cristina.

People walking away from the Plaza de Mayo and the Casa Rosada

“Tenemos un papa argentino, quieremos un gobierno argentino” translates to “we have an argentine pope, we want an argentine government”

The mood wasn’t all serious – this drum circle got everyone dancing.

Loved this guy’s sign and stoic expression. There were other signs in this series as well.

Emma Pulido
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I'm Emma Pulido and I am spending my semester abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina! I've been waiting to go to Buenos Aires since a high school trip to Valparaiso, Chile got me interested in the Southern Cone countries and I couldn't be more excited to finally be here. I'm from New York City, but am currently living in Saint Paul Minnesota, where I study International Studies, Anthropology and Political Science at Macalester College. I've been focusing my studies on identity politics and tourism, so living abroad in one of South America's most mixed and dynamic cities is perfect for me! I hope to continue to study identity politics and nation building in post conflict nations post graduation, but for now I keep busy with school, Model United Nations, watching movies, exploring new places, making DIY craft projects with my roomates and my job as the student photographer for Macalester.</span></p>