Putting the “Study” in Study Abroad!

Emily Bailey
January 22, 2013

Last week was not only my first full week in Ireland, but also my first week of classes. I am taking four classes and also participating in an internship with the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, which I’ve mentioned in a previous post. Two of my classes are about the Northern Irish conflict, one is a creative writing class about the Irish short story, and the fourth is Irish Gothic literature. From the first lessons, I could tell that I’m in for a challenging, interesting, and enjoyable semester. I’ve always loved literature and writing classes in high school and back at my home school, Illinois Wesleyan University. We have the chance to read Dracula for my Gothic literature class, which I am looking forward to because I have never read it! I didn’t even know that Bram Stoker was Irish!

I’ve always considered myself a history nerd and museum lover, so I am very happy that I have the chance to take not one, but two history classes about the Northern Irish conflict. One class focuses on different peoples’ perspectives of the conflict, and the other is based on the ins and outs of the conflict itself, as well as all the sides to it. My hope and goal is to further my knowledge about the Northern Irish conflict and look at how it has influenced not just Northern Ireland, but the Republic of Ireland as well.

When most people think of studying abroad, they picture students traveling all over the country they may be in, but rarely do they remember that students actually take classes! I know that when I pictured myself studying abroad when I was younger, I thought about all the sights I would see and experiences I would have. While I am doing just that, a large part of the study abroad experience is the “studying” aspect. I am so grateful that I have the chance to take some amazing classes from Irish professors and learn about the country that I have been exploring the past week and a half. Thus far, the work load does not seem that much different than what I would have back home. I am used to having many science-based classes because I am a psychology major. It’s nice to take a break from my major and fully immerse myself into Irish culture and history. I’m in for a very busy and fulfilling semester, and I can’t wait to see what my classes have to offer!

Emily Bailey

<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Emily and I am currently a junior at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, IL, and I am studying psychology. I hope to attend law school someday and work with children and families. In my spare time, I enjoy playing guitar, watching reruns of &ldquo;Friends,&rdquo; and spending time with my friends and family. I have a passion for travel and good food, so this experience in Dublin is absolutely incredible! Check out my blog and feel free to leave comments or message me!</span></p>

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