You Can Take the Student Out of Dublin, but You Can’t Take Dublin Out of the Student

Emily Bailey
April 19, 2013

I have to leave this amazing country in one day. I can’t believe that this day has finally come. It’s funny how fast time flies when you’re having fun. Sounds cliché, but it’s true! Words cannot even begin to describe how much my time in Ireland has meant to me. It’s been a huge blessing to meet the people I’ve come to call mentors and friends, see the beautiful countryside, discover unique places in Dublin, and become a part of the city. We have made so many wonderful memories together, and I hope that we have the chance in the future to get together and reminisce about our time in Dublin.

Studying abroad was one of the biggest and most daring decisions I’ve ever made for myself. I knew going into college that it was something I wanted to do, and I’m so happy that I made it happen! I owe many thanks to my family, friends, and teachers for being so supportive of my decision—you know who you are. It’ll be great to be back home to share my experience with all of them! I’ve been thinking about that a lot actually—how I will sum up my study abroad experience in a few sentences. The truth is, I can’t. There are so many things I want to say about my time here in Ireland, but one of the most important thoughts I have is how I’ve changed. Study abroad has changed me in a number of ways: I’ve grown more mature, more patient, more culturally aware, and more independent.

Dublin will be with me wherever I go; I’ll always have the photos, the memories, the souvenirs, but I will always miss being here. I hope to return someday; I could even picture myself living here! Yesterday, the director of our program said that you can take the student out of Dublin, but you can’t take the Dublin out of the student. I could not agree more, and when I heard that, I started to tear up a little bit. It’s finally hit most of us that our time here is just about up. I’m so sad that I have to leave Ireland. It’s been my home for the past three and a half months! I just want to say thank you to all the faculty, staff, and students of IES Abroad Dublin. You’ve made this experience wonderful and worthwhile. I will carry this experience with my for the rest of my life, and in the words of James Joyce, “When I die, Dublin will be written in my heart.” That could not be truer.

Emily Bailey

<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Emily and I am currently a junior at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, IL, and I am studying psychology. I hope to attend law school someday and work with children and families. In my spare time, I enjoy playing guitar, watching reruns of &ldquo;Friends,&rdquo; and spending time with my friends and family. I have a passion for travel and good food, so this experience in Dublin is absolutely incredible! Check out my blog and feel free to leave comments or message me!</span></p>

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