Until We Meet Again, Dublin

Emily Bailey
May 20, 2013

I cannot believe I have already been home for a month. Words cannot begin to describe how much I miss Dublin. Being back in the United States has definitely been an adjustment for me. There are a lot of little things that made up my day-to-day life in Dublin, and they are now missing from my life! In the US, we drive almost everywhere unless you live in a larger city like Chicago or New York City. I really miss all the walking I did in Dublin–my daily stroll to class, walking up Grafton Street and through Temple Bar, strolling through small towns in the Irish countryside. It feels very awkward to drive, I’m not used to it even after a month of being home! I miss the sites and sounds of my surroundings that come with walking everywhere. Dublin has a very distinct smell and feel to the air. It’s not a bad smell at all; it’s just Dublin! The air is crisp, and you’re sure to experience all four seasons in one day. The weather is so hot back home and I’m not used to it yet, I almost (almost) miss the Irish rain.

One thing I came to find through my experience abroad is that I enjoy drinking tea more than I like drinking coffee. In fact, I loved my tea so much in Ireland that I simply had to find the same brand somewhere in the US. I have been a loyal Barry’s Tea drinker during my time abroad, and I searched for it here in the States. It’s not hard to find, but rather pricey in specialty grocery stores. I somehow managed to get my hands on three 80 tea bag boxes courtesy of Amazon.com! Each morning, I get a taste of Ireland, and I’m reminded of those mornings before classes or my internship that I’d spend drinking my tea and relaxing. It’s my own little adjustment to make my transition to life in the States a little easier.

I wish I could go back right now. If I could get on a plane and just spend one day back in Dublin, I would. It’s truly worth it. I miss everything about Ireland: the people, Munchies (my favorite sandwich shop), the ISPCC, the IES staff, my apartment, Guinness (it’s better over there!), and the overwhelming feeling of elation that I’d get when I thought, “Hey, I’m really here!” I want that feeling to be back. To anyone considering studying abroad in Ireland, I have some tips and tricks for you:

1) Settle the debate over which chocolate brand is better: Cadbury, Galaxy, or Milka; personally, I am a Cadbury fan.

2) Have a panini and/or pizza at the Bernard Shaw

3) Stop in Munchies and try their Buffalo Bill sandwich or the Chicken Woopie

4) Don’t leave without visiting the Cliffs of Moher and the Ring of Kerry

5) Visit Kilkenny (for the cute shops, crafts, and cafes) and Kilbeggan (for a unique and hisoric distillery experience)

6) Make Irish friends!!

7) Spend the day in St. Stephen’s Green and Merrion Square

8) See a play or a musical or any sort of performing arts production; it’s a rich cultural experience in Ireland!

9) Take an open top bus tour, it’s touristy and cheesy, but a great way to see the city!


Seriously, I am jealous of anyone who decides to study abroad in Dublin. Know that you will truly miss it when you have to leave, so make the most of it! Dublin, Ireland will forever be an experience that I will share with people in a myriad of ways. My goal is to return within the next five years, and I hope to celebrate 21st birthdays with my own kids someday. It would be incredible to experience Ireland with my own future family the way I did with my parents when they visited. As I continue to adjust to life in the States, I will hold the luck of the Irish close. Until we meet again, Dublin!

“May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rain fall soft upon your fields; and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

Emily Bailey

<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Emily and I am currently a junior at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, IL, and I am studying psychology. I hope to attend law school someday and work with children and families. In my spare time, I enjoy playing guitar, watching reruns of &ldquo;Friends,&rdquo; and spending time with my friends and family. I have a passion for travel and good food, so this experience in Dublin is absolutely incredible! Check out my blog and feel free to leave comments or message me!</span></p>

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