As the final countdown begins until I leave for Rabat, the excitement I once had has turned into me being a nervous wreck. I have traveled outside of the country before, yet this feeling is a new feel. Knowing that you are about to be somewhere magnificent nonetheless completely away from home for an extended period of time is shocking. Being the Google and research queen that I am, I have looked up the food, the night life and how to dress. After everything, packing is what I am still stuck on.
If being a lady isn’t already complicated, try minimizing and packing a shoe collection. Not to mention my hatred for pants and the lack thereof in my closet. The confusion is real and the questions start to roll. Should I wear a lot of pants? What about shorts? Should I pack enough even though I’m planning on shopping? The questions go on for days. Needless to say, my suitcase it still a draft in my pre-planning.
(Once the questions are answered I will gladly share them with you)
As the departure dates gets closer the more excited I am. I can finally use the Arabic I have dedicated my life too and gain a new perspective outside of the one I have known for years. The trips they have planned is what I am most excited about. We will be spending time in Fez, a trip to the Atlas Mountains, Spain and much more. I am ready for the challenges and excitement this trip is sure to bring.

Disa Robb
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I am a junior at Howard University, located in Washington, D.C., majoring in Journalism with a minor in Business Administration. Post-graduation I plan to attend the University of Miami and pursue a career in International Administration. I enjoy photography, writing, music and art. Traveling to Morocco, I hope to find a different perspective for my work and bring a little piece of the country back with me. I look forward to exploring different volunteer and activist opportunities. I hope you enjoy my posts about my experience!</span></p>