Last week we decided it would be fun to take a trip with CAUC to Mendoza, Argentina for the weekend. The trip was scheduled to leave Thursday night and arrive Friday morning. We were supposed to meet at the Católica at 9pm. At 7:45 we were informed that the border has been closed due to snow and the trip would be postponed to the next night. We weren’t given much information at first, but it turned out that CAUC had shifted the trip one day over so we would be coming back on Monday night instead of Sunday night. Unfortunately, I had a test Monday and a test Tuesday morning, so I didn’t I would be able to go on the trip.
After a huge mess of not knowing if we could go, not know if we would get refunded and not being able to contact anyone, it was finally resolved on Friday. CAUC had arranged for a bus to take us back to Santiago on Sunday. Even though we missed out on one day we didn’t have to lose the whole weekend too.
Mendoza was really pretty and had great night life. We were only able to spend Saturday night, but we met lots of other extranjeros that go to La Católica and had fun exploring. I’m really glad I went, and I can’t believe Buenos Aires is only three weeks away.
On a side note, I was woken up today by my first earthquake. It wasn’t terribly serious, but I’m definitely glad I was in my bed.

Daranee Nasongkhla
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">As a native New Yorker and a student at the University of North Carolina I'm psyched to journey even further south to Santiago, Chile for the semester. I'm a junior and a Global studies major hoping to improve my Spanish and meet a whole bunch of awesome people! Also, I'm a huge tea drinker, so I'm ready to experience Chilean maté!</span></p>