One of the greatest changes I’ve seen in myself over the past 5 months is my ability to be flexible. Flexibility became the norm for me this semester. With frequent cancelation of classes that made any shot of a routine impossible, to the chances I had to travel with just a few days notice, Cape Town requires you to be amenable to any situation that may arise. But that underlying sense of uncertainty that is present in every day is what shaped me as a student, traveller, and global citizen. I came to South Africa with a plan for my life and how I wanted to spend my time abroad. I used to be a person that needed a constant routine and the ability to check off the boxes on my to do list every day without fail. And honestly, I’m not sure if it was Cape Town that taught me this, or if every study abroad student manages to learn this throughout there time in a new place, but adaptability is everything. Being able to function when stressful situations arise is part of the learning experience that is growing up and being independent. Living on your own is by no means easy, and learning how to deal with your responsibilities while also navigating a new city, maybe even a completely different lifestyle than what you’re used to is really difficult, but it changes the way you see yourself. I am a very different person than I was five months ago. I am more aware of the world around me and I am not stuck in the comforts of my “bubble” that protected me from the parts of the world that aren’t simple and easy, like what I am used to. In five months I’ve changed any semblance of a life plan I might’ve had. I have new interests and tie to people around that world that I want to take advantage of. Feeling okay with change is something that is new to me, but it is a characteristic that I will take with me beyond Cape Town. South Africa has shown me what it means to be easy going and flexible when I need to be. My life path is by no means set in stone, and based on the incredible experiences I’ve had over the past semester, I am beyond excited to see what’s in store for me.

Claire Quinn
<p>My name is Claire. I am a thrill seeking millennial that is out to experience all the world has to offer. This blog will chronicle the greatest adventure of my life so far, a semester in Cape Town, South Africa. I have no idea what to expect, but my love for traveling and trying new things, as well as learning from the people around me has pushed me off the beaten path, and onto something completely new. Here's to the next six months of my life, I hope every moment is as unpredictable as I am.</p>