A day in the life: Dublin

Christena Carollo
November 27, 2016
The Swans of the Grand Canal

"I read the news today, oh boy…." A day in the life story is only done right with a Beatles tribute.

And my day-in-the-life story will cover my study abroad experience, which, for me, has been significantly shaped by my classes, internship and foodie impulses.

I have classes Monday-Wednesday and internship duty Thursday-Friday. On weekends, I take photos, explore the city for bookshops, travel outside of the city center, and, most importantly, find foods that make my taste buds sing -- or at least hum a little.

Let's start the week...

On Mondays I awake around 11 am, make myself a merciful cup of tea and dress for all kinds of weather. It’s best to always wear closed-toed shoes and to tote around an umbrella like a high-fashion accessory.

And most weekday mornings, I leave my apartment to make the long but peaceful trek over to Rathmines, where the IES Abroad Center is located. Along the way, I have my headphones in, shuffle on, and my auto-pilot set to daydream -- I’m constantly thinking during my therapeutic and leisurely walk to class, usually surprising myself when I arrive at the front door of the centre.

Oh, and i
t’s important for me to mention my favorite part of this walk -- the swans. I have become completely obsessed with these lovely, civil creatures that cruise along the Grand Canal like royalty.

They are snow white, huge, mildly terrifying and completely mesmerizing. I can often be seen taking photos of them, nearly giddy when someone starts tossing bread. This frenzy of feathers, both pigeon and swan alike, is a photo treat and a small personal form of torture as you realize you’re in the middle of an avian stampede.


Anyway. You should definitely stop by. It’s worth it.


Once I plant my bottom in a desk for one of my writing classes, I am usually warm and ready to go (usually with tea in hand). And if it’s one of Stephen’s classes, I am all but over the moon. He himself, along with his lessons, has impacted me in a way that I had desperately wished for during my entire college career. I have slowly developed skills and discovered a passion for photography under Stephen’s guidance. He helped me start a journey that has brought me to one conclusion: I am a photographer (well, a dedicated beginner with lots to learn). And I will pursue this profession in both creative and journalistic fields.



Besides being happy to find my footing in photography, I am endlessly grateful for my internship with the Irish Daily Mail. If you are thinking about interning, please do it. It is impressive on a resume, yes, but even more importantly, it does wonders for self identity. You will learn what you like, love or maybe even hate. And you will gain invaluable experience along the way. My internship has been incredibly difficult at times, with me having to establish myself as a capable and available intern in an office of professionals and a staff of constantly changing faces, but it was a blast.

My small victories, and slowly increased sense of competency, made it well worth it.


After classes, I usually stay around Rathmines or head to Dame or O’Connell Street for a bite to eat (one of my missions has been to find the best burrito place...there’s Boojums, Tolteca and Belly Bites).


Starbucks, Bernard Shaw or KC Peaches are always nice comforts if you are looking for a nice place to do work or just sit while sipping on a warm beverage.

Also, if I’m feeling trendy, I’ll visit Penny’s or New Look -- both great and relatively cheap clothing stores. Or I spend time on Mary’s street, which is another great shopping strip similar to Grafton (a side street off of O'Connell). Oh, and you can't go wrong with a browsing session in Arnotts (it reminds me greatly of Macy's).

And I almost always end the day with a trip to Lidl or Dealz to buy groceries or cheap toiletries and everyday necessities.

Then, I’m home, and I’m chatting with roommates, cooking, doing homework (though I think you believe that even less than I do)  or watching Netflix (bingo, there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind about that one).

Christena Carollo

<p>Hello, I&rsquo;m Christena, a 4th-year journalism student at the University of Florida, who has decided to spend a semester experiencing the wonders of Dublin, Ireland. I am passionate about traveling, food, reading, writing and experiencing new and beautiful cultures. I&rsquo;m a 21-year-old with a thirst for knowledge and adventure, and I&rsquo;m excited to share all that I find abroad! Happy readings and a jolly good day to you!</p>

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