I recently went on a Nanzan organized trip to the Nagoya City Science Museum and Planetarium. It was my first time going on one of these Nanzan organized trips, but there have been many more from going to the Toyota Car Museum to the Ise Grand Shrine. This trip has been on my to-do list since first coming to Nagoya in the fall, and it was almost perfect timing that Nanzan was hosting it.
For students of the CJS program, we were free of charge and got to explore the entire museum and see a show within the planetarium. The planetarium show had us all in seats facing the ceiling, where we got to see how stars/constellations that can be seen above Nagoya. It was a nice show, but since it was more like a lecture, it was also a bit boring. The rest of the museum was very interesting, though. With multiple floors of different exhibits, there was a ton to explore. In addition to exhibits on astronomy, there were entire floors dedicated to chemistry (elements), physics (motion, etc.), fossils, the human body, illusions and much more! Alot of the exhibits were also hands on, which was also a lot of fun.
For those planning on coming to Nanzan to study abroad, or even coming to Nagoya on a trip, I definitely recommend the Nagoya City Science Museum and Planetarium. This trip just goes to show that there can be so much to discover within the city that you are studying abroad in. Sometimes it is a lot more fruitful to get to know your new home town than spending more time exploring places outside of it.

Ashley Bell
<p>Hi, my name is Ashley Bell and I am a Junior Political Science major at Santa Clara University. I'll be spending my spring semester in Nagoya, Japan and am very excited to share my experiences with you. I hope you enjoy seeing Japan through my eyes!</p>