A few helpful packing tips

Alison Castaneda
October 29, 2015

Hello all!

It's officially halfway through my time here in Barcelona and although I have had the time of my life, I am sad to say that it is almost over. Being halfway through the program and I’ve been noticing some things that I should/shouldn’t have packed so I decided to make a list of some packing tips.

I have also posted more photos! They are of places around Barcelona that I have been to and recommend!


Packing tips for studying abroad in Barcelona

1. Pack light—you might want to buy some clothes here and you need space for souvenirs! Also!! People here still wear basically the same things as people do in the U.S. Crop tops, ripped jeans, sneakers, platform shoes are popular. And no, you won’t look like a tourist if you wear jean shorts.

2. Keep a journal! You'll want to remember your study abroad experience when you're older.

3. Bring medicine, Tylenol. Dayquil, Nyquil, Emergen-C, Tums, Neosporin, Band-Aids, Vitamins, whatever medicine you think you might need. I packed all my medicine in a clear Ziploc bags in my checked luggage

4. If you have space in your luggage, pack full size bottles of toiletries: shampoo, conditioner, lotion, deodorant, contact solution, etc. I also packed these in clear Ziploc bags in my checked luggage

5. For school, bring a cross body bag; this will keep your stuff safer from pickpockets than using a backpack (especially if you are taking your laptop to class)

6. Bring school supplies like a 5-subject notebook or a 3 ring binder with lined paper, and pens/pencils

7. Pack an umbrella and/or raincoat

8. Hand sanitizer is helpful

9. Bring a reusable water bottle

10. Pack snacks, like granola bars or nuts. I brought 2lbs of almonds and I’m glad I did!

11. I didn’t bring any formal clothing and so far I haven’t needed any but this could be different for someone that is doing an internship abroad!

12. I brought a $15 dual-voltage Conair hair straightener from Target

13. Know where you are planning on travelling to and bring appropriate adaptors for the country

Parc del Laberint d'Horta (it's free on Sundays)

The sunset at Badalona, just a 20 minute train ride away. The plus is that there are no tourists!

El món neix en cada besada-Joan Fontcuberta. It is a moasaic that is composed of photos that people all over Catalunya submitted. It's located in Plaça d'Isidre Nonell.

Kiss of Death statue located in Poblenou Cemetery

Of course, the famous Park Güell

Magic Fountain of Montjuïc. They have an amazing light show on the weekends.

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Alison Castaneda

<p>My name is Alison Castañeda and I&#39;m a junior double majoring in Communicative Disorders and Spanish at the University of Redlands. I grew up in Rancho Cucamonga, California and I have a passion for traveling, exploring new places, trying new food, and taking tons of pictures. In my free time I like to go thrift shopping, drawing, taking trips to Los Angeles, and spending time with my family. Studying in Barcelona this fall is such a blessing and I couldn?t be happier with my decision.</p>

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