Jour J

Alexandra Williams
March 28, 2013

This weekend we had a field trip to Normandy to see the American cemetery, the tapestry in Bayeux, and visit a museum. I have to say that the museum and the cemeteries (both german and american) have left lasting impressions on me. I’ve learned about World War II more times that I can count on my fingers and seen so many movies that have reenacted the D-Day scene, but actually seeing it in person was astounding. I didn’t think I would cry but after walking through what seemed like a never ending field of tombstones, I couldn’t help myself. It brought everything that I had read in textbooks to life.

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Alexandra Williams

<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Alexandra is a junior at Georgetown University majoring in Operations and Information Management with a minor in French. After taking Spanish, Italian, and Latin in high school she decided she needed a fresh start and began French in college. Since she&rsquo;s started to learn French she&rsquo;s fallen in love with the language. She hopes to one day be fluent in French completing her life long dream of being bilingual. During her spare time she likes to read, practice her photography, and learn new baking and cooking recipes. Abroad she hopes to completely immerse herself in French cuisine, language, and culture.</span></p>

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Georgetown University
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